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"Remus, you really think that it would be better if you ask her?" Alayna asked as the Marauders and Alayna walked through the halls.

"For the last time, I'm sure. She doesn't expect you to set her up for a trap."

"We've got it all covered then? Remus and Peter, you're leaving on the train as discreetly as possible. Alayna, you're going to bring her down stairs and then you disappear with Padfoot and then I take her to dance and hope for the best, the best being that she doesn't try and kill all of us," James interrogates.

"We've got it all set up then, let's set our plan in motion," Sirius answers.

I've never done something like this before. I see why the boys did pranks for so long. Lily's going to hate me after this. Or maybe she'll thank me, I'm hoping that she doesn't kill me but the thing is that I deserve it now. Alayna thinks as the boys and her separate and Sirius quickly kisses her.

Alayna stood outside Professor McGonagall's office nervous to knock, she finally brought up the courage and knocked. A 'come in' came and she slowly opened the door and went in.

"Miss Begley, how can I help you?" The Professor said as she dipped her quill in her ink.

"Um—well Black, Potter, Lupin, and Pettigrew they..."

"You don't need to say more, they were trouble makers since their first year and they have stayed the same. What did they do this time?"

"They haven't done anything wrong this time Professor," Alayna reassures her. "The boys and I have been planning something so that Lily Evans will stay here for the formal. What we're going to do is simply tell her that we're going to the formal as a group. Remus and Peter aren't staying and so that way she'll be going with James since Sirius and I are dating."

"I see. Well I don't approve," McGonagall said softly. "I do see why you are doing this. Potter hasn't been paying attention in my class lately and failed a class of potions the other day because he's been watching Evans and day dreaming. Why are you telling me this though?"

"Well, I didn't want us to get in trouble and because Lily already said that she was leaving so I needed to let you know that she was going to stay."

"I see the time with Potter and Black has not changed you. Thank you for telling me Miss Begley, if you need help with anything else please let me know."

"I will Professor, I see that you can be quite a troublemaker yourself," Alayna joked and walked to the door.

"I spent most my time in detention back when I was a student. Just hope that Black will mellow with time Miss Begley."

Alayna went out into the hall and let out a breath that she didn't know she was holding. She rushed to the Great Hall to meet up with James and Sirius to wait for Remus to make sure that she was going to stay. If not they were going to have to go with plan B which Alayna wasn't happy that James came up with it.

She got to the Gryffindor table to see Lily sitting down reading across from James, she looked up as soon as Alayna violently plopped down next to her boyfriend.

"Where were you? You look like you just made the cover for the Daily Prophet, in a good way though."

"Oh I was just bailing these two out again in Professor McGonagall's office."

"We didn't do anyth—oh yeah that's right," Sirius misstated and then quickly recovered himself before plan B needed to be activated.

"Alright, Alayna I've been needing to talk to you about something."

"Sure Lily. Good bye Sirius, I'll see you later," Alayna said kissing Sirius lightly then walked away with Lily.

"Thanks for inviting me to the formal with the group but you guys can be terrible liars. Remus and Peter are worse though, it's not like you and Sirius didn't give it away either."

"Merlin Lily, how'd you find out?"

"When you and Sirius started planning it in Hogsmeade. You really need to be quieter if you're going to scheme in public. You should know that because we've done it to the Marauders multiple times."

"Well you're staying now, Professor McGonagall knows and isn't going to let you leave."

"I know, I'm going to keep with your plan but you could have just asked me."

"You would have gone willingly with Prongs?" Alayna asked as they walked mindlessly through the castle.

"Of course I wouldn't go with Potter, Sev did ask me last week though."

"What! You've talked to Snivellus," Alayna said looking back and she thought that she saw James behind them.

"Yeah I have. You've spent too much time with Sirius. I thought that Sev was our friend."

"Exactly, was our friend. Lily he's developed in the dark arts."

"Can't I forgive him though? You and the boys hate him, I'm not going to try and be his friend again but at least I can forgive him."

Lily and Alayna walked silently till they went through an empty hall to meet Peeves the poltergeist.

"Lily, Lily flower silly," Peeves yells at them and stuck his tongue out. He flied through the hall barely missing them.

"Guess he didn't want us," Alayna stated and they continued walking. "You will go with James right? I just want to make sure."

"I'm following your plan."

The formal went well, the night was full of dances and music. Lily was happy even though she was going with Potter and James was overly joyed that she wanted to dance with him. Alayna and Sirius were glad to see their friends finally together. Both of them thought that Lily and James looked great as a couple.

Snape was not overly joyed at seeing Lily and James together. The whole night he was glaring at Potter even with his Slytherin date that he paid little or no attention at.


The rest of the year went fast and Alayna and Sirius weren't so glad that summer was coming because then they wouldn't see each other every day. Every so often they would meet each other at Diagon Alley and have butterbeer and ice cream.

But the summer was dull and uneventful even with a war going on. More muggle families were killed and a few of he-who-must-not-be-name's followers were captured, and then escaped.

Year six is finally done!!!!!  What would you guys like to see in year seven?

(Editing on hold) Falling For The Enemy (A Marauders Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now