I am Darkness

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No one ever looks into the darkness and expects to see the light. We all say that we search for something greater, but we never do. As soon at the darkness takes over your soul, you belong to it. You become a part of what it means to be truly dark, and you never search. Is it because you are afraid of being let down? Will the truth that there really is no light at the end of your tunnel break your heart in the very last moment of your life? Or is there something greater ceasing your search? 

My name is Gena Morgon and I have stopped searching for the light. Not because I fear it will disappoint. Not because I feel it will not be there when I search. In fact, I have all the faith in the world that if I tried hard enough, I would be able to step out of this darkness and carry forth into the light. But where is the fun in that?

When you die and look back at your life, you will find that every true moment of happiness you have had was held in some sort of darkness. If you say that I am lying, it appears we both seem to be untruthful. I may not know every path that lines the course of life, but I know, that there is no path of true light. When you stand in the light, you will always cast a shadow of darkness into your path. Where as in darkness, you cast no light, never disturbing the world that is around you. Seems to me that the dark is the world that is less tainted.

So as I placed my body and my mind into the darkness, I suddenly felt as ease with everything around me. Nothing was to big for me to conquer, no feeling or thought to small. The possibilities standing in the dark are endless and no one can truly see your way to step into your path.

I think maybe it is not dark that people are afraid, but what the dark has to offer for them that they are not willing to accept. I have come to accept the dark and everything that comes along with it. You may not agree with my ways, but I am certain that I have made the right decision.

My name is Gena Morgon, and I am darkness.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2011 ⏰

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