19: The loss of a loved one

Start from the beginning

"It's just that, Killian also had a nightmare last night and he had the same look on his face as you two do," I say.

"Aye, it's true" Killian adds, his eyes showing that he began to remember the nightmare. He shook away the memory.

"What was in your dream?" I ask my parents.

"We both had similar ones. We watched as our loved ones were taken away from us and, there was nothing we could do about it, but watch it happen," David answers for the both of them.

"Did you have the same one?" I ask Killian.

"Aye, that I did," Killian says and looks away, obviously not wanting to recall the dream again. Is that why he was so relieved to see that I was ok?

"The snow queen must be giving us a taste of what it will feel like when we lose our memories," Mary Margaret figures, her eyes drilled to the ground.

Then I say the thing that I've been dreading. "Is there....really, no way to stop this?" I ask with a shy voice.

My father sighs and says, "It doesn't look like it, no." Tears begin to fill my eyes and I go silent.

"Swan, would you like to go see your lad?" Killian asks me. I nod my head.

"Ok, we'll see you later Emma," Mary Margaret says. I just nod my head and Killian and I leave.

(Killian's POV)
I lead Emma out of the apartment building and towards her yellow bug. She hasn't spoken a word since David broke the news to her. I hate seeing her like this. If only I could do something to help. We enter her bug and she begins to drive to Regina's vault. We spent the whole drive in silence.

Emma parks the bug in front of Regina's vault and walks up to the doors. I sigh and then follow her. When I enter the vault I see Emma walking down the stairs, so I follow her. We reach the bottom and see Regina sitting in a corner with Henry.

Henry then looks up at us. "Hey guys," he greets us, grimly.
"Hey kid," Emma says. She turns to the heartbroken queen, sadness reflecting in her eyes."Regina, I'm so, so sorry about Robin."

Regina just wipes away another tear. Emma walks over to her, and sits on the other side of her. Then Emma looks at me, as if urging me to follow her. So I walk over and sit beside Emma. "I promise you, I will find a way to reverse this spell and everything will go back to the way it was. When we were all happy," Emma says to Regina. I lace my fingers through Emma's.

"Thank you, Emma," Regina says sincerely. Emma smiles. No one said anything for a while.

"Now come on, let's go back to my parents' place" Emma says. Emma and I both get up off of the ground. Henry and Regina soon follow.

Emma and I were about to head up the stairs and leave the vault, when we hear Henry ask "Mom? Are you ok?!" We whip our heads around and see Regina holding her head.

"Regina!" Emma shouts and rushes over to her. Then, Regina lowers her hands and looks around in confusion.

"Mom, are you ok? What's happening?" Henry asks worriedly.

(Emma's POV)
I have an idea of what's happening to Regina but I'm really hoping that I'm wrong. Mostly for Henry's sake. He should've have to watch this. And then, Regina speaks "Mom? What're you talking about?"

"Regina..." I ask cautiously, testing her. This can't happen, not now.

"Who's Regina? And who are all of you people? Where am I? Who am I for that matter?!" Regina starts asking. No...

Henry must've realized it too. "No, mom!" he shouts.

"Look kid, I don't know who you're talking to, but it's definitely not me," Regina says. The look in her eyes is blank in vacant. No emotion is shown but confusion. Even when staring at her son.

"Henry we should go," I say as tears start to fill Henry's eyes.

"No! I'm not leaving until we fix her!" Henry says as the tears start to slowly flow down his cheeks.

"Lad, come on," Killian tries his luck at convincing Henry.

"NO!" Henry says. My eyes soon begin to fill with tears as well.

"Why are you people shouting?!" Regina asks.

"Henry, she's confused and you're scaring her. Let's go," I try to get him to leave but he holds onto Regina's arm.

"Hey kid! Let go of me!" Regina says.

I give Killian a look and then he gently picks Henry up. We start descending up the stairs as Henry starts to scream and punch Killian. Tears are now flooding down Henry's face. "I'm sorry Henry," I say in a shaky voice.

We leave the vault and Killian places Henry down. Henry walks over to my car in silence. "I shouldn't have asked you to do that, I'm sorry. Are you ok?" I say to Killian.

"I'm fine and it's alright, swan. You know I'll do anything for you," Killian says with a slight smile.

"What're we going to do now?" I ask. All that's running through my mind is, who's this curse going to take next?

"Well, right now, let's just take the lad over to your parents' place and we'll go from there," Killian says.

"What about Regina? We can't just leave her down there!" I say.

"Call Mother Superior and have her and whatever fairies are left take care of Regina," Killian says.

"Ok," I say. Killian kisses the top of my head.

"Let's go" he says and takes my hand as we walk over to my bug. But my thoughts were still consumed with one terrifying question: Who am I gonna lose next?

Things just got intense. I wonder who's gonna lose their memories next?

Comment who you think is going to lose their memories next.

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