Chapter three.

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Samantha's POV

Once Amanda and I were ready, we headed back downstairs where the boys were impatiently waiting.

"About time." Michael says as he exits the kitchen with the Cheetos bag. "Hush!" I sass as I
flip my hair and they all laugh.

"Let's just go already!!" Ashton whines as he heads towards the front door and we follow after him. They all pile into ashtons car and I realize there's no room for me.

"Uh, guys." I say as I awkwardly rock on my feet. "Oh, crap. There's no room." Ashton snaps and I awkwardly scratch my neck.

"You could sit in my lap." Luke suggest and I let my hand drop to my side. "I'd much rather sit in the trunk." I groan and he rolls his eyes.

"That is an option." Michael teases and I stick my tongue out. "Here, sit in my lap." Amanda says and I nod as I climb up into the seat and sit in her lap.

"Okay. Now, is everyone situated?" Ashton asks from the drivers seat and everyone says 'Yes'. He then starts the car and backs up as he turns the radio on.

'The reckless and the brave' by all time low is playing and I immediately start singing along. Soon Amanda joins in, then Calum, then Ashton, and then Michael finally gives in and starts singing. Then Luke stares at us as he chuckles before joining in.

We finally arrive at Walmart and we all pile out of the car and begin walking inside."So, where are we off to?" Calum asks as we each grab a buggie and we all shrug in response.

"On the count of 3, we all split up. 1...2...3... GO!" Michael shouts and everyone runs off into different directions. Luke and I walk to the frozen food section and grab two pepperoni pizzas. We then walk over to the chip isle to see Calum and Ashton stuffing their buggie with Cheetos and Doritos.

Then we saw Mikey come zooming around the corner with Amanda in his buggie. Their buggie was full of junk food, from Oreos to ice cream to cheez its. "Pizzas." Mikey says and we place the boxes into the buggie and he zooms off.

Luke and I look at eachother and burst out laughing out how strange our friends are. Once we were done laughing, we walked to the toy isle and my eyes land on a can of silly string and I smirk evilly. I grab it and then sneak off to the next isle.

I stayed quiet as I wait for him to come around. He soon does and I take my shot as I start spraying him with it. "Oh, it's on." He says as he grabs a can of silly string and starts spraying me back.

We soon fall on the floor laughing at how how childish we are. He starts picking the string off of him and throws it onto the floor making a bigger mess and I do the same. I walk up and sit by him as I place my head onto his shoulder.

"This was fun." I say and he chuckles as he looks over at me. "Yeah." He replies as our eyes lock and his eyes switch from my lips to my eyes and I felt my heart beat speed up.

We both lean in and then, boom, we're kissing. Our lips moved perfect in sync and he then placed his hand on my lower back and the other on my cheek.

We pull away and we both just sit there staring at eachother. "Wow." He says as he runs a hand through his hair and I just nod.

"We can't tell the others about this." I say as I look into his eyes and he nods. "Agreed." He says as he stands up and outstretches his hand for me and I grab onto it as he pulls me up to my feet.

"Let's go find the others." He says as he begins walking and I follow after him lost in thought.

Amanda's POV

"OHH! Can we get some gummy worms?" I ask Michael, currently sitting in the shopping cart Mikey is pushing around. There is so much junk food in this cart I can't feel my feet. It's almost like heaven.

"Jeez, Amanda! You weigh a ton." He complains slowing down the cart. That was offensive. Suddenly an evil idea popped in my head. I decide to jump out the cart and head for the toy section. "Thank God! It's so much lighter now." Michael smirked. 

I grab a nerf gone and turn around to face Mikey. "Say it again." I dare him. Apparently I wasn't intimidating enough because he looked no where near scared. Infact, his smirk grew wider. 

"I'm so scared."  He fake gasps and picks up a nerf gun for himself. "I think you got yourself into a sticky situation, Kitten. I never lose nerf wars." He winked. A shiver of fear surged through me. 

Instantly I took off a few aisles over. I regret it when I lose Mikey. I get lost into deep though. If I were Mikey, where would I hide?  OMG! Stuffed animal section duh! I tip toe down the aisles until I find the section I was in search for. I snuggle behind two large bears so the only thing you could see was my face if you were looking closely. Surely enough, a minute later I spot Michael roaming the aisle, stopping to talk to tiny pokemon figures. I swear he's the weirdest guy I know, but I hope he stays that way. 

I slowly pull my gun into my hands and take aim. 1..2..3.. Bang. Right as I pulled the trigger Michael turned in my direction earning a hit to the cheek. I sink down further to hide my face from eyesight. I can't help but stifle a giggle. "I know you're here, Kitten." I feel my stomach tingle with butterflies at the nickname 'kitten'. However, I don't linger on it long and instead try my hardest not to laugh, which I was desperately failing at. I close my eyes to try and calm my laughter but suddenly the bears are ripped away and I am exposed. Facing a smirking Michael I shoot him one more time in the forehead and make a run for it. 

I sprint as fast as my short legs will carry me until I reach the board game aisle. I stop for a second to catch my breath. I press my back against the corner of the aisle and stay their till I can breathe properly again. I shake my head at how childish I feel and decide to move. However as I turn around I crash into someones chest. Looking up to meet the face of the person I ran into, I meet a pair of piercing green eyes. Michael. We locked gazes making it seem impossible for me to look away. I never noticed how truly beautiful his features were. His crazy highlighter green hair made his sparkling green eyes look brighter. He was truly a work of art from his button nose to his thin, pink lips. Even the scar above his eye looked like art. 

We were merely centimeter away from each other. I could smell the tangy smell of his cologne and the mint on his breath. Our chests were heaving up and down due to the running we just did. Mine just might be because this is the first time I've felt something towards Michael Clifford. 

"Amanda." He breaths out. I shiver as his hot breath hits my face. I have no idea how to respond. What's even going on right now? I don't know what he was about to do next, but before he can we're interrupted. 

"There you are Amand- WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON RIGHT NOW?!" I hear the voice of Ashton. Instantly we break our eye contact and jump away to add distance between us. Michael clears his throat before replying. "Nothing, Amanda is just upset because I whooped her ass at our nerf war." 

I scoff at him. "You didn't even get one shot on me." I remind him. He pulls his gun out and shoots me before I can respond to his actions. "Just did" He smirked. 

I roll my eyes at him."Just get the food, Dork." I say before taking Ashton's huge hand into mine and taking off to get my gummy bears. 

"You took off with Calum." I say sadly. "I thought I was your favorite." 

"You are! You're my very best friend! Calum is just going through some things. Besides, I don't hold hands with Calum making you my bestest friend." He laughs. 

Shortly after we found the rest of our group and pay for all the junk we got and headed out to have some fun.

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