Chapter 1

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F--> be the angry boy:
"Damn these stupid things..." You mutter under your breath as your leg slips from your grasp again. You've been struggling to get the things on for 20 minutes. After 2 more unsuccessful tries you finally get your left leg clipped to the hook and in place. You sigh in relief and stand up, shakily. You've had 2 months to get used to your new legs but they still bother you. You don't bother wearing them at home since there isn't anyone to see your stupid stumps. You hobble towards the door grabbing your bag. People look at you weird, wearing jeans in the summer but there's no way you are gonna walk around showing your bloody prosthetics.

As you walks lowly down the street, your gaze wanders. The street you're walking down is one near the beach, the blue waves crash onto the shore and kids scream and splash each other in the waves, you recall being that young, silly and naive. You miss it in a way. After you graduated high school you lost your innocence. It was three weeks into summer break when your crazy Ex, Vriska pushed you down some dumb stairs. Luckily, she hasn't spoken to you since then, thanks god. While you were dating, you didn't even feel anything for her.  She was rather abusive and was half the reason you were so depressed back then, the other reason was your mother. She died giving birth to you, her youngest son. That's a lot of weight on your shoulders, knowing you killed your own mother. You brought your attention back to  your walking. You saw the grocery store in front of you. you sighed. To the right of the store, you heard a cough. You knew what it was and didn't care to pay any attention to it. People smoking behind the store, they are always there. Everytime you come here they're there. The first time you had glanced down at them. Super shady is all your gonna say. With a huff of annoyance, you step into the store.

After about an hour of stumbling around and tripping over your feet, you finished. Carrying, 4 heavy bags, you lifted your head and made your way down the street back towards your home. You haven't taken 3 steps before one of the bags handles snapped sending, peanut butter, jelly and a few other random articles rolling around on the concrete. You groaned and stooped to collect them. As you kneeled down  one of your other bags, caught on something and tore, sending milk and eggs to the ground. You sobbed out a sad whimper.

"Hey bro, want some help?" Shit, one if the druggies behind the store noticed you. You blushed and scooped up as much as you could of the mess.

"N-no! I-I'm uh, quite all-alright!" You mumbled. Then, you saw a slim hand grab a jug of peanut butter beside you and your gaze darted up. Your deep chocolate eyes met, lazy purple ones. His face was soft and he was a dopey smile gracing his thin lips. This man looked quite different then you expected the methheads and druggies who hid behind the Sobey's to look like. You couldn't make out his facial features perfectly because of the wondrous, face paint he wore. Your eyes widened in astonishment. Then you blinked yourself back to reality.

"Bro? You motherfucking, okay there?" The man asked, concern darting across his sleepy eyes. You nodded.

"Y-yeah I just need, some, uh.... Help with my b-bags." You stuttered. While you silently hated yourself for your stupid stutter the tall man grabbed two of your bags and stood up.

"Where do you motherfucking live, bro? I'll all up and help you move these!" You grabbed the other two bags and stood, trying to take the other two from him.

"N-no, I wouldn't want to bother you! I-I'll just- I um!" The man wouldn't give up the bags and kept moving them away from you as if you two were playing a game. "H-hey! Just-"

"I'm gamzee. What's your name?" He asked with a grin as you balled up your hands into fists.

"I-I'm tavros, now p-please give me back my, um... My bags!"  This "gamzee"s face flashed with fake hurt. You seemed to believe it for some reason.

"Aw, tavbro!" He rasped. "I just wanna motherfucking help!" You sighed. What could go wrong? Well I bet you could list hundreds of things, but you weren't going to do that. Something deep inside of you told you to trust him.

"F-fine, follow me..." He laughed softly and followed you down the sidewalk. Why do you always end up in these situations. You groaned gently and shifted your hands a bit. Gamzee soon matched your pace. For some reason reason this man had some urge to talk to you.

"So, Tav. How old are you?"

"I-isn't that a ra-rather personal, um.... Personal question." You asked, gamzee shrugged.

"Only if you motherfucking make it that way." You guess he's right. You glance at him and notice he's staring at you. You flush and turn your gaze back to your bags. You feel Gamzee's grin beside you.

"I-I'm, 21..." You mumble, Gamzee whistles like he's impressed.

"Whoa, really bro? Only a year younger than me! That's actually motherfucking interesting... Did you all up graduate?" You look at him, what a strange question.

"Um, yeah. Of course. Why?" Gamzee shrugged.

"I dunno, I never did. I guess that's not something I should all up and motherfucking proud about..." You nod.

"We-well, yeah. I graduated..." Gamzee smiled.

"Any idea what you wanna all up and do, motherfucker?" Your starting to get freaked a bit by his vocabulary.

"No, n-not... Really.. Oh, I live o-over here..." You gesture with a balled fist towards a small cluster of town houses, on the left side you you two. Gamzee nods.

"Cute, it fits you, bro!" You blush and walk ahead to your door. You climb the 5 steps leading up to your door and rummage around in you pocket for your keys. Gamzee waits patiently on the street behind you. The key clicks and you swing open the door. Stepping inside, you drop you keys interesting a small bowl on a tall table beside the door. Your home always smelt nice, kinda like baby powder and fresh air. You watch Gamzee as he enters slowly and looks around. He whistles again and grins at you.

"Love it, TavBro!" You nod and wander into the kitchen, hearing Gamzee's sluggish foot steps follow you. You set your bags on the table in the centre of the room and start to take things out of the thin, plastic bags. Gamzee watches and does the same. With two people the job goes much faster and soon your finished and are just happily chatting away. While you unpacked, you and Gamzee never bumped once. Normally with Vriska she would bump into you and kick you leg by accident. But Gamzee never touched you once, well, your hands did brush as you grabbed fruit from the table to place in the fridge but you didn't mind, honestly. You've grown to like Gamzee, he was sweet and seemed to enjoy talking to you, and unlike Vriska he listened to you. Which was nice. Almost too soon Gamzee said he'd better ho, you walked him to the door and held it open for him. The lanky man jumped down the steps of your apartment and grinned back at you from the street.

" so... I um, guess I'll see you around?" You asked, a drip of hope, leaking into your voice.

"You can almost, motherfucking count on it, bro!" You smiled. You haven't smiled in a long time. You've sort of missed it. You waved goodbye as Gamzee trotted off down the street, his smooth stride never slowing. Gently, you closed the door. That was a... Fun day. You've never thought you could actually have fun with a druggie but Gamzee didn't act like the rest if them. You could barely tell, well. Except for his eyes, which were red and half closed. But, now that you think about it, you could probably look past that.

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