"Pop Green!"


Finally, Franky barged into the deck. "Everyone, hold onto something! I'm gonna Coup De Burst us out of here!"

Everyone did as they were told.

"COUP DE BURST!!", the ship was sent flying in the air, as the rain rapidly hit their faces, the wind picking up.

One of Luffy's arms wrapped around the ship's mast, but as soon as they landed, his hand slipped off the mast.

He felt weak, probably because of the water and the broken arm. It was decided that they would sail till they found the next island, which probably would take a while.

Luffy headed to his room, his head dizzy, and the sick feeling not leaving him.

That night, everyone was asleep peacefully. Well, except for two people.

Nami was on look out duty for the night.

As for Luffy, he twisted and turned in his hammock, feeling uncomfortable. The longest that he slept all night was only for five minutes.

He got up, his body burning, as he headed to the kitchen for a glass of water.

Nami sat at the kitchen table, reading a book, when she saw Luffy come in.

She smiled, "Hey, Luffy. What're you doing up so late?"

It seems he didn't hear her, or even notice her in fact, as he had reached for the bottle of water beside her, gulping it down, then just stood there behind her.

"Luffy?", Nami asked. When he didn't respond yet again, she got worried. She got up from where she sat and turned to face him, "Luffy what's wro--", she was cut off when he fell forward into her arms, his forehead hitting hers lightly.

She didn't have the time to react to that when she felt that he was abnormally warmer than usual.

Her arms were occupied with supporting him, so she placed her forehead on his once again.

"Sh*t," she cursed, "he's burning up."

She rushed him to their infirmary, gently laying him down on the bed, tucking him in, then leaving the room to call for Chopper.

She sneaked into the boys' room, gently shaking up Chopper.

"Chopper, wake up!", she shook him again.

"Hn? Nami?", he asked, rubbing his eyes cutely, "What happened?"

Nami pulled him out of the room, shutting the door. "Luffy just collapsed. He's burning with high fever.", she whispered.

She's thought Luffy wasn't the type of person who would actually fall sick, considering the monstrous strength he had.

Chopper's eyes widened. "I've already taken him to the infirmary, so please check up on him."

"Hm!", Chopper nodded enthusiastically.


After Luffy's check up, it was confirmed that he had high fever, but it wasn't life threatening.

Nami sighed in relief. "He really scared me there."

Chopper spoke for the first time in the past half hour, "Nami, can you cook?"

"Of course."

"Then can you make something that's, uh, easily edible, and nutritional? I think porridge would be fine."

"Sure, okay."

She headed to the kitchen once more, getting all the things she needed, pulling up her sleeves till her elbows.

She set to work, hoping that what she was making would be good enough for Luffy to gain his health back.


Nami was back in the infirmary, as she set the porridge on the bed side table.

She'd told Chopper that he could go to bed, and that if she ever needed anything, she'd call him.

She softly and gently shook Luffy awake.

Helping him sit up, she said, "Hey."

He groaned, "Ugh, Nami~ I feel sick.", he slumped against her shoulders.

"Hey, come on. You've gotta eat something if you don't wanna feel sick.", she smiled.

"I can't, my arm's broken.", he pouted. She chuckled, even when he was sick, he was still cute.

She picked up the bowl, took a spoonful of the food, and held it to his mouth.

"Okay, then. Open wide~", she giggled when she saw Luffy's cheeks turn pink in embarrassment, before he quickly accepted it and turned the other way so she wouldn't see his blush growing.

"This tastes good," he mumbled, still embarrassed, but smiled.

"Thank you," she grinned.

She heard his stomach grumble.

"Ahh~", he said, opening his mouth wide again, this time not as embarrassed about the situation.

She giggled, "Here you go."

Luffy had Nami make ten more bowls of porridge for him before he was satisfied.

'This guy,' she giggled to herself, 'even when he's sick, he still has such a big appetite.'

After he took his medicine, he lay down, and Nami tucked him back in.

"Hey, Nami," she heard him say,"did it feel this bad when you were sick that time?"

"Hm..," she thought for a minute, "I guess, I really don't know," she shrugged, "but I had you, Sanji-kun and Vivi to take care of me so it wasn't that bad."

"Were you happy that I took care of you?" he asked again, to which Nami's face burned.

"Of course it did. I was really happy," she smiled.

Luffy grinned, "Then if you ever get sick again, I'll be taking care of you."

"Thank you," she smiled sweetly.

She looked at the clock that hung above the bed.

4:00 am.

"You should go to sleep, it's really late. I'll be heading back to my room now, if you need anything, just ask, okay?"

She turned to leave the room. But as soon as he fingers touched the door knob, she heard him speak again.

"Wait. Can you stay here till I fall asleep?" he asked her innocently, his cheeks turning crimson.

She smiled gently, "Okay."

She pulled up a chair next to his bed, sitting down.

"Also," his face turned a darker shade of red, " can I hold your hand?" he asked as his hand came up to his mouth in a fist to hide his blush, and held out the other for her to take.

Nami blushed, then nodded, a smile on her face, "Yeah."

Their hands intertwined  together, his heart oddly starting to beat faster.

Was it because of her?

She felt warmth grow in the pit of her stomach. His hand was obviously bigger than hers, it was rougher.

'This isn't going anywhere,' she thought, 'I know I'm not supposed to like him this way, but how can I, when he does things like this?'

He soon fell asleep, along with her by his side. And they had to say, that night was one of the times they were able to sleep most peacefully.


Yosh! Chapter is done!

The first half was pretty boring. 😒

But whatever. 🙈😝

The next chapter will be up soon.

~Death-chan ❤

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