
I woke up to someone poking me.

"Sky get up." I heard a girly voice say. It sounded like Jahyla.

"Y r u waking me up so early?" I asked her. She started laughing and I just groaned and rolled over falling off the bed with an 'oomph'. I heard Jahyla laughing and I found her foot not too far from my hand. I grabbed her ankle and pulled it making her fall flat on her but. I chuckled and sat up seeing Jahyla glare at me.

"So y u wake me up so early?"I asked her.

"What was the last time u saw?" She asked me. I scratched the back of my neck in deep thought and remembered.

"10" I told her.

"AM?" She asked me.

"PM"Her jaw touched the floor when I said that.

"Girl its 4 we have 3 HOURS to get ready.How long do u usually sleep?" She asked me in shock.

"Well I would have woken up at about 5-5:30." I told her.

"well the guys are coming around that time so get ur ass in the shower. And don't forget to wash ur hair." I nodded to her going into the bathroom. I took a long, hot shower basically till there was no more hot water. I got dressed into a T-shirt and some shorts for the mean time and wrapped a towel around my hair.

"Girl what took u so long the guys are on their way. U we're in there for an hour." Jahyla said. I rolled my eyes and checked my phone. I had 15 text messages and 4 missed calls. Most of them we're from Braydon telling me to stay over at Jahyla's house and some for me to be careful. Like always. And the rest were from Tyler and Esteban. And like on time someone knocked on the door.

I ran down the stairs and opened the door to see Tyler and Esteban. I opened the door wider for them to come in.

"OK so what are we going as?" Esteban said.

"Just come upstairs." I told them.

"Jahyla ur not changing right?" I screamed going up the stairs.

"No y?" She asked me.

"Cause the guys are coming in." I said as I opened my door to see Jahyla doing her hair and wearing the same thing as me. I sat next to her doing the same and made my hair into a french braid.

"OK so what do we have to go as?" Jackson asked popping down on my bean bag chair in the far corner of my room. I smiled and so did Jahyla and we both ran to get their costumes. They went in the bathrooms and changed. When they came back out Esteban had a cheapish grin on his face while Jackson was glaring at Jahyla. While the boys were in the bathroom we got our make-up done so we can leave.

"Before u guys say anything let me and Jahyla go change."I said referring to Jackson who was still glaring at Jahyla. We went into the bathroom and changed into our costumes. I heard someone knocking on the wall and instantly knew it was Jahyla. I knocked back indicating I was ready, we both came out at the same time and went back into my room. When we got there the boys jaws touched the ground. Me and Jahyla giggled and blushed.

"Woah!"Esteban and Jackson said at the same time. I smirked and me and Jahyla went to the full length mirror thats hung up on my wall.

"wow!"Me and Jahyla breath out. We look HOT.

"Ok lets go have a good time at a party!"I said, more like squealed. The others nod and we all make our way to Jackson's car. The ride was silent other than the music playing lowly. We arrived at school and everyone was mainly inside so we decided to make a big entrance. We all went in and Esteban and Jackson pushed the doors open. Me and Jahyla flipped grabbed our tails and smirked walking to the punch with Esteban and Jackson beside us. I looked over at Kailey to see her and Tyler in police costumes.

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