A tense silence hovered within our group as everyone was processing this new turn of events before Marilyn eventually spoke.

"..Why?" He asked, his voice pained.

"That's what we're going to find out." I told him.

"No, I mean..." He swallowed, hard. "Why wouldn't Twiggy tell us... tell me?"

The anguished boy's voice cracked, and he had to bite his lip and look away. I felt a wave of sympathy for him, and could clearly see this young man loved Jeordie. If circumstances were different, I would've pinned Jeordie as a very lucky guy for having someone love him this much.

"He must have felt he couldn't." I said.

"Detective...?" Jax began questioningly.


"Is it possible... I mean, if somehow Twiggy didn't... what if Twiggy didn't know that wasn't his real name?"

"How can he not know what his name is?" Thomas asked, disbelievingly.

"I'm not sure I follow you, Jax." I frowned.

"Well, Twiggy's life hasn't been all sunshine and rainbows. What if he's blocked out the memories of his old name, you know, subconsciously or something."

"We'd have to see a psychiatrist for that one."

"I'll get right on it." Officer Wu announced, turning on his heel and walking away briskly.

"He's keen." Jax spoke, watching Wu leave to find answers.

"Great Officer." I agreed. "He'll make a brilliant Detective, and soon I hope."

Swiftly, I turned in my chair and grabbed the folder and evidence box; the movement caught everyone's attention, and soon all teenagers were focused and waiting in anticipation to see what was inside.

"So, let's begin with the security tape." I announced.

Once I'd opened the evidence box and removed a chunky VHS tape with a date labelled on, I got Pogo to assist me in wheeling over the television and video player. I set it up to play, and carefully hit fast forward until I saw the man in question enter the building. This camera angle showed a hallway with lockers and large double doors. He moved across the camera shot, and appeared to go through another door that was just out of sight.

"That's reception." Pogo explained.

Soon after, the corridors were filled to the brim with students practically crushing one another to leave the building. Eventually, Jax, Pogo, Twiggy and Marilyn entered the shot. I watched Jax leave, and soon after I clearly saw Twiggy freeze, as he stared through the way the huge man had gone. Marilyn had words with somebody, before I watched them come back into the camera shot and force Twiggy away.

I stopped the tape. No one spoke.

"That will be used as evidence." I spoke into the silence after a few moments.

"What happens now?" Jax asked.

I moved the beige coloured folder closer to me, and held it up for everyone to view.

"We find out who we are dealing with."

Marilyn POV

The drive home was a quiet one. No one quite knew what to say, and I wasn't oblivious to the concerned, pitiful glances Jax and Thomas were sending my way.

My chest felt as if a block of lead was sitting on it, crushing me. Both my heart and mind ached as I thought about Twiggy. Questions kept buzzing through my mind; some were quiet where as others felt like they were being yelled at me.

Personal Jesus (Twiggy Ramirez and Marilyn Manson Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now