Part 17 ~ An End is Only the Beginning

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Looking at Legolas you smiled as you felt relief over flood you. A solider from the main battle ran in disturbing your moment of peace. "Nín âr ha tol or, lom gar tûr(My King it is over, we have won.)". You looked to Legolas's face trying to read his emotion. He seemed happy but sad at the same time. "What is wrong love?" you asked making him look at you. He shook his head and just lied down on the cot he had been sitting in. "melethril? (Love?)" you asked again but in his language hoping to trigger something. You didn't speak enough to know what the solider had said but the word you used was the one he always said to you so it was important. "He called me...he called me his king,". He lied there staring at the cloth wall of the medics tent. It took you a minute to register what this meant and when you realized tears began to fall from your eyes. The previous king was gone he had died in battle.  King Thranduil was gone he would never see your real first born come into the world, he wouldn't be able to stand next to Legolas while you walked down the aisle. He was gone. Legolas was probably more hurt by this than you yet he held you against his chest and just stroked your hair as you cried. "Come now, I'm sure Edlen wants us home as soon as we can make it," he said still stroking your (H/C) locks. You nodded deciding you had cried enough for the day there would be time to mourn for him later. How you were going to tell Edlen that her grandfather was dead was going to be harder. But this would only be the beginning because you knew Legolas would have to take the throne and sire an heir for it as well. Edlen would forever be a princess yet never get the throne. She was safe right now though and that's what mattered. You had to be there for both of them.

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