"You only call me 'Chii', not 'Chii-chan'," Chigusa told me. She was right, but still, I don't want him to call Chigusa that way. They barely know each other, yet Takao calls her like that? Does he still have respect towards girls?

I narrowed my eyes. I made a grumpy face, and looked away from them. "Hey, don't be mad, Mako-chan," Takao said. I quickly turned again as he said that. "M.. 'Mako-chan'?! You were calling by my first name, and now you cll me by my nickname?!" I exclaimed. "Well, you seemed to be not bothered when I called you 'Makoto-chan', so I decided to call you 'Mako-chan'," he replied.

I groaned as I walked away from them. I hate facing that guy. He always irritates me.

Someone grabbed me from my soulder. As I turned around, I was expecting to see Chigusa, but it was Takao. "Come on, Mako-chan! I did great during the game, right?" he said.

"I wasn't impressed! Your team lost!" I answered him.

Then, without realizing Takao's facial expression turned into a complete frown, I walked away from them. I was pissed off.

I went out of the stadium. Chigusa followed me. She tapped my back to make me notice her, and I turned around to face her.

"You shouldn't have said something like that," she said. I just looked at her still narrowing my brows, and crossed my arms as I turned my head away from her. "I only said the truth," I replied to her. She just kept silent and stood there. "Let's go home," I said.

And as we are about to leave, someone appearead out from nowhere. Yes, you guessed it. It's Akashi.


He called out for Chigusa. Well, I shouldn't be that surprised, though. I just refrained from looking at him.

I saw Chigusa shook her head as Akashi approached him. I didn't dare to speak. I just stood on where I was and kept silent.

"You came to see me, hm?" Akashi said as he smirked at Chigusa. I took a glance over them, and I saw Chigusa looking at Akashi.

I was just frozen. Not knowing why, strange emotions pierced through inside of me. It's unexplainable, and indefinable.

Should I be feeling this way?

"I came to watch the game," Chigusa responded. Akashi smirked as he got nearer to the raven haired girl that he liked for so long. Chigusa once more shook her head.

"You shouldn't be worried no more, right?" Akashi said. I instantly get what he meant. I didn't even wonder why he would say that. He is Seijuuro Akashi after all. He knows everything.

"But I think I should talk to you again sometime," he said.

Akashi caressed Chigusa's face as he smirked at her more. Then, he hang the jacket he was holding onto his right shoulder and walked away. I just looked at him with my eyes full of inexplicable emotions.

He looked at me back. His heterochromatic eyes were as beautiful as the first time I saw them. It was intensely perfect and it fitted on his face.

Then, he looked away from me without saying anything. Like, who would expect for that Romeo to notice a Cinderella who came from another fairytale? I tried myself the best not to mind him though. I have sworn to myself that I'll be forgetting about that guy. The pain for loving a guy who doesn't love you back is painfully unbearable anymore. I don't wanna tire myself for a situation like this.

"Let's go home, Chii," I said as I started walking the opposite way where Akashi was going. I just walked straightly, without even looking back if Chigusa was following me.

That night, I thought about the things that happened. It kept on coming back into my mind over and over again like I was having a last song syndrome.

Then, my thoughts went deeper, until it reached about Murasakibara sempai. It's all of a sudden, but I know how he got into my mind.

He still likes me. Yes, it was practically obvious and he told me so. I tried to ask myself:

Why can't I be in love with him instead?

Look, he loves me, but I only see him as a friend. But more like nothing. I didn't see myself giving him appreciations for what he does to me. Though he was the one who comforted me during the days I was drastically heartbroken by Akashi, I never ever felt romantic feelings towards that purple head.

Why do I have to be in love with a person who doesn't give a damn about me and get hurt over and over again, while there is already someone who's already dead trying to please me?

The world is quite cruel, isn't it?

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