Chapter 6

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Haven't been upadating for a while :) Yeah, Having those loads of homeworks at the first and second week of classes sucks. I'm sorry for this lame chapter. I have to think about the next chapter in my other story too.

We both stood in the middle of the street silently. The wind blew gently as my long green locks started to sway against the cool breeze. I was looking at Chigusa deeply.

Silence existed for a moment, when suddenly I saw Chigusa's tears running down her cheeks. "Chii..." I uttered her name as I looked at her. She started to sob, while she buried her face in her own palms.

I looked at her for a moment. I exactly felt what Chigusa was feeling. It's painful, right? Having thesame feelings with your bestfriend for thesame guy.. Why is this supposed to happen?

And I did hated her for also having that feelings towards Akashi. Of all guys here in this world whom she can fall into, why Akashi? Why is it the guy whom I love? Why does she also have to fall for a guy whom I like?

It hurts deep in my heart. Especially when Akashi started to avoid me back in that time. Because he knew that I had feelings for him, Chigusa had to avoid him. But, hey, I think Chigusa was also thinking about me. She also avoided Akashi for me, eventhough she also likes Akashi.

"Okay, Mako-chin, please calm down." Murasakibara sempai told me as I looked into his purple eyes. I slowly drew myself away from him, and shook my head. "S.. Sempai.. I, I.." I uttered while still crying. "Sssh.  Calm yourself down. Tell me what happened."

Back then, I told Murasakibara sempai about what happened. That was the time when someone stayed by my side and undestood how I felt. He was the only one who comforted me during the time I felt that pain.

Murasakibara Atsushi.. The guy who used to like me when he was in middle school as me. But, I wonder if he still feel the same way towards me until now, hmm?

Murasakibara sempai was the only one who did knew about everything. He stayed by my side until I felt the pain in my heart lightened.

And that was also the time when I decided not to tell Chigusa, Akashi, nor my big brother about what happened. i just kept quiet, wondering why Akashi started to avoid me and Chigusa also avoided him while she continued to treat me normally like she always do, as if nothing has happened.

"Onii-chan," I said while looking at my brother taping his fingers. "Why do Akashi sempai seems to be avoiding me?" I asked him cluelessly. He suddenly paused, and looked at me in the eyes. "Last time, we would still talk to each other, but nowadays he seems to be avoiding him. Did I do something wrong?"

My brother also knew about my feelings towards Akashi. But, he didn't seem to care about it. He didn't say that he likes Akashi for me, and he didn't also said that he doesn't like Akashi for me. All he said ti me was,

"You're still young to think about those things in your age."

Well, maybe? But who knows? Man, my brother is like a dad. Even if I'm still not in the right age, love is still love. If they'd just call this 'puppy love', it's still love and may become 'true love'. That's what I thought.

"Like the hell if I know. It's better if you shouldn't bother yourself with Akashi." he replied to me as he continued taping his fingers. It's better if I shouldn't bother myself with him? I wondered what he meant by that.

The next day, I decided to ask Akashi about that. I didn't care about what my brother have said to me. I really wanted to know Akashi's reason. I don't want him to avoid me. If we couldn't be lovers, I want to stay as friends with him.

I roamed around the school until I finally saw him. He was in the classroom where he kissed Chigusa back then. I slowly approached him, and saw him spinning a pair of scissors with his hand on the table looking all so boring.

He already sensed my presence, but he didn't bother to look at me or speak anything. He just continued spinning the handle of scissors on his fingers.

"A-Akashi sempai.." I uttered slowly. But, still he didn't seemed to care about me. But then, I decided to continue speaking. I know he was listening to me anyway.

"Did I do something wrong, sempai? Why do you seem to avoid me nowadays?" I asked him. He paused, then stood up all of a sudden. He quickly approached me and glued me to the surface of the wall with full force and stabbed the wall just beside me with the scissors.

My eyes widened as I saw him do that to me. I didn't know he could be this scary. I was shaking and goosebumps started to appear on my skin.

"So.. You want to know what did you do wrong?" he asked me while looking towards the floor. I nodded slowly as I looked at him.

"You've fallen in love with me. That's what you did WRONG. Stop it already."

I started to widen my eyes more as I heard him said that to me. So, does it mean being in love with him is wrong?Nooo.

'Stop it already'. Even if you tell me that, I'm not going to. If loving you is wrong, I don't wanna be right. What's wrong with being in love with you? And why won't you just love me back? Just what did you saw on Chigusa that you can't see in me? And of all people for you to fall in love with, why my bestfriend?

"I'll kill anyone who opposes me." he uttred, still with our thesame position while he looked down on the floor and I looked at him with my eyes opened widely through my framed glasses. "No one dares to disobey me."

"Why, Akashi sempai? What's wrong with being in love with you?" I asked him in a soft voice of mine. He lifted his head slowly to look at me in the eyes. My heart was pounding in anxiety.

"If you didn't had feelings for me, Chigusa would definitely going to be mine. She would have told me honestly with her feelings towards me. yet.. Because of her stupid friend like you, she avoided me eventhough she didn't want to."

"Chii.. I'm sorry." I uttered as I shook my head. She suddenly turned her head towards me and looked at me with a questioning face. "What do you mean?" she asked as she wiped her tears. I turned my head back towards her, and slowly approached her.

"I'm sorry.. Because of me, you did have to avoid the guy you like. But, I think you don't have to do that anymore." I told her. She widened her eyes as she looked into me. She sudenly covered her mouth and her tears started to flow down her cheeks once more. "I saw and knew everything what happened between you and Akashi."

"How did you know?"

"I saw the two of you kissing.. Back when we were in second year.  Akashi also told me that he likes you, and you like him back."

"M-Mako-chan.. I'm so sorry.."

"No, it's okay.. I don't mind. I already got used to getting hurt like this.."

Chigusa looked at me with her teary eyes, while my eyes couldn't hold on anymore longer and liquid of pain started to run down my smooth cheeks.

"No, I'm so sorry.." she uttered. "I wasn't supposed to have feelings like yours towards Akashi sempai. But.."

"It's alright, Chii." I said in a soft voice as I approached her and hugged her tightly. "I am trying my best to forget about Akashi." I added. Chigusa lifted her head up and looked at me. "No, Mako-chan. I should be the one who's doing that. You're my bestfriend, and I don't want to see you getting hurt more lke this." she said. "Shut up. If I would keep on having these stupid feelings towards Akashi, it's useless.. You're the one Akashi likes, Chigusa."


I wiped away her tears as I smiled at her gently. She suddenly shook her head. "Thank you, but, I'm sorry for letting you get hurt like this.." she said. "I said it's okay, right? How many times do I have to tell you? I wanna hit on your head, man." I said as I drew myself away from her and crossed my arms. " Are you sure it's okay with you?" she asked. " Ofcourse! Akashi likes you. I bet he's been crazy about you since he met you." I replied. "You really are my bestfriend, Mako-chan." she said as she made a little grin on her lips.

That time was the first time I saw her smiling at me. And somehow, I felt happy and the pain in my heart started to fade away.

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