Chapter 9

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Dudes I'm thinking about turning this into a reverse-harem XD But not quite sure about that. More chapters coming soon!

The game still continued, and there was only 2 minutes left. Shutoku took the lead of the game. Their score was 127, and Rakuzan scored 124. I can't believe they're just pulling each other's scores.

I saw Takao again. He looked pretty serious. He wasn't wearing cheeky and annoying stupid smiles. I wondered what he's thinking right now.

Then, he ran towards te guy who was currently handling the ball, and I saw it was Akashi.

"It's impossible, you idiot," I uttered as I made a smile watching over them. There's no way he can steal the ball, because Akashi was the one who was holding it.

Then, a tall blonde guy from Shutoku also tried to get in Akashi's way. I still thought it was impossible, but somehow they ot the ball. I didn't even know how that happened, when infact, I am clearly seeing this ridiculous game.

The blonde guy passed the ball to my brother. He was about to shoot, but a tall scary guy from Rakuzan approached him and stopped him from doing it. See? Shutoku has no chance against Rakuzan. They're leveled way too low for that team.

The guy dunked the ball into their goal. Their score was already 126. Only one point gapped their points from Shutoku.

I glanced over the time left in their game. 1 minute and 45 seconds. Shutoku got the ball again, and I saw Takao. He looked very furious, and seemed like he got no time for fooling around. But, I wasn't impressed at all. Rakuzan's gonna take away the ball soon.

Takao passed the ball to my brother, and he shot the ball instantly. I didn't know how no one from Rakuzan stopped that shoot.

50 seconds left. The ball was still on Shtoku's hands, and Rakuzan tried to steal it.

I was excited to see them do that. And as I expected, they did. The blonde guy from Rakuzan stole the ball and passed over the raven haired guy. Then, he shot the ball from a distance away from the ring. They also got awesome three-pointer.

Score was 129-127. Rakuzan lead the score again.

Time left was only 15 seconds, and Rakuzan held the ball securely not letting anyone from Shutoku steal it from them.

Game has already ended. Ofcourse the Rakuzan won, who would expect them to lose?

I looked at Chigusa. She was still looking at the players on the court seriously. Then, I stood up and told her to leave now this place.

We walked down the hallway, and I saw  someone opened one of the doors. It seemed like a locker room for players. I saw my brother came out.

He just looked at me, while Chigusa approached him. "You did great during the game, Midorima sempai," she said.

But, my brother just looked away from her and walked away. Someone also came out of the door. It was Takao.

"Hey, Shin-chan, wait!" he exclaimed as he tried to chase after my brother. But then, he saw us, and his attention completely went towards us.

"Heeey, it's Makoto-chan and...?" he said as he glanced over Chigusa. To think about it, he still doesn't know Chigusa's name. "Chigusa Kudou," Chigusa answered him. "Ah, then can I call you Chii-chan?" Takao said as he smiled. There he goes again. I kinda hate his smiling face. And hey, how come he can smile like that when they lost in the game? He's REALLY stupid.

And as I realized he said he's going to call Chigusa "Chii-chan", I turned towards him. "Hey!" I said. "Only I can call Chigusa that way!" I told him.

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