The night back at the bunker.

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(( cut me some slack its been awhile 😂😂))

As Sam, Dean and myself walked into the bunker it was silent. No one dared to bring up the most recent topic. Sam stood between me and Dean , he looked us both in the yes a couple times, shifting back an forth,
"I,uh, I-i'm gonna go." Sam said and awkwardly walked away. I looked at dean with warm, emerald green eyes. I caught a glimpse of that longing before he blinked slowly and nodded to me .

"Good night Johanna." He said and with one swift motion he pulled me close and kissed the top of my head. I practically melted in his arms, there, and then. As quick as he pulled me in he walked away. I figured it was best you went to bed, I then slowly made your way to my room. I got there and stripped into only my bra and underwear, feeling to lazy and tired to change. I fell into bed and let out a loud sigh , along with a laugh. I closed my eyes, drifting off soon enough.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~3 hour time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Your eyes fluttered open as you heard dean mumbling ,
It wasn't loud , its just his room was in my hall so I was able to hear his mumbles and cries , although Sammy couldn't. I was immediately worried about him and so I jolted out of bed , and ran into the hall. Forgetting that I was still in just my bra and underwear I kept going. I found his door and fumbled slightly as you opened it. My eyes relaxed as I saw he was having a nightmare and that he was safe . I walked over and saw his flannel laying on a chair , you looked at yourself then threw his shirt on. I put my small, bruised hand on is arm as I sat on his bed.
" it's okay Dean, it was just a dream" I whispered lovingly
Deans eyes shot open, filled with fear , until he saw I was there and he let out a deep breath.
"Thank you" he whispered to me , in that raspy , manly voice.
All I could do was smile at him , what was there to say?, Your welcome?, no , that was too comfortable . Anytime?, no, to lazy. Anything for you?, nope, to straight forward. So I just smiled at him.
I started to stand ,"Alright , I think its best I g-" I was cut off by Dean as he grabbed my hand and looked at me with those big green eyes.
"No" he paused," please , stay." he said and scooted over on the bed to make room for my small body.
I shook my head ," Dean , I'm not exactly dressed right."
"What do you mean?" He asked confused and pulled the covers back , revealing that he had no shirt on , in fact, I was wearing it.
I messed with the trim of the shirt , trying not to look at him. "uh.." I decided it would be best to show , rather then explain. Explaining would be much harder. I unbuttoned to show that I was in my bra and then quickly buttoned it again.
Dean was a bit speechless, he wasn't expecting me to do that I guess.
"Don't you trust me to respect you?" he asked , looking at my face now.
"Of course I trust you. Its me I don't trust " I admitted to him.
"well I trust you , besides would me and you really be a bad thing ?" He laughed
I shook my head ,"fine , but its hot as hell in here ." I may of been sleeping in his bed but no way in hell was I gonna sweat my ass off just because I was shy. I unbuttoned the shirt and it fell off of my arms slowly. I crawled into bed and he covered me with the blanket. My head was nuzzled in the crook of his neck , looking at his chest. He rested his head on top of mine and kissed the top of my head before using one hand to lift my head towards him and kiss me. Our lips fit perfectly, like two jigsaw pieces coming together. I broke it and put a finger on his lips , " that's all for now ." I said and placed my head back in its original spot. He wrapped his large, protective arms around me, but somehow I think I was the one helping him. He didn't have another nightmare all night.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip to morning~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Sam came knocking on dean's door , us two were still asleep and he had no idea I was in there so he just walked in.
"Hey Dea-" he stopped talking as soon as he saw me in the bed .
Dean woke up but kept his arms around me and looked at Sam .
"t-t-this isn't what it looks like!" Dean said defensively of him and I.
I woke up , yawning , "morni-" I stopped when I saw Sam. Sam just smiled happily and walked out of the room closing the door behind him. I looked at Dean and he looked at me . We both started laughing hysterically . I went to my room , he stayed in his and we spent the rest of the day catching looks at eachother.


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