Chapter 23 - Knockout

Start from the beginning

"You," he said, staring down at Peter across from him. "The only one who knew as much as Argent about berskerers, about the Newal. You taught Kate, you helped her. All for power,"

"For my family's power to be rightfully inherited by me," said Peter. 

"Is that was this is all about?" I said, stepping out in front of Scott. "For you to be the alpha? For you to be the only one left? For you and my mother to be the only ones left?"

"You don't deserve your power, and neither does he," said Peter, looking over my shoulder at Scott. "Not power like this,"

His eyes glowed their bright blue, his neck twitching as his face began to morph into something else. A thick line formed over his brows, his ears pointed. I growled as he looked at me, letting the full moon take over as I felt myself begin my own transformation. I could feel the heat behind my eyes as they glowed a blue almost identical to Peter's. My face stretched as it morphed into something I never imagined I would become. I craned my neck as I let the transition happen, barring my fangs when I felt it settle.

I looked over at Stiles, taking in the shock on his face. I don't think he ever imagined seeing me like this either, but it's who I am now. He took a step back, as though he was afraid of me. Peter made him afraid of me. I turned back to face the man I'm supposed to call my father, giving a low growl.

Malia growled as well, running at him, but he easily tossed her into the wall. Kira twirled her sword, ready for attack, but I had to stop her. "Kira," I growled. "This is my fight."

"I'm your father, Emma." Peter said, pacing back and forth and craning his neck. "My blood runs through your veins. It was my bite that changed your life, and my bite that can end it."

"Then end it, Peter," I said. "Because you won't get another chance."

Peter let out a loud roar before we both ran at each other with our claws raised. I've never fought with just claws and fangs before, but it just seems like boxing with a knife in each hand, both of which I'm particularly good at. I blocked his attempt to cut across my stomach, kicking underneath his knees and knocking him to the ground. I swung at his face, but he grabbed my arm and threw me hard into the wall. 

I caught my breath and stood back up. This fight was about much more than power, for once. This was about my friends, my family. This was about every single life he and my mother destroyed trying to achieve their fantasy and ridding the world of the supernatural. Only one of us was going to come out of this battle alive.

"Come on, Emma," he taunted. "I know you can do better than that,"

I let out a roar so loud I didn't even think it came from me before running at Peter again. I managed to get a scratch at his stomach, ducking down to avoid missing his claws digging into the side of my neck. I threw a hard punch, nicking him across the jaw. I waited a beat too long and he threw his own punch to the underside of my chin. 

The full moon had me on a level I've never felt before. I wanted nothing more than to rip Peter to shreds. I want him to feel every ounce of pain he's ever caused me. I want him to suffer for what he's done. He deserves it.

I attacked again, clawing at him with everything I had. I didn't even know if I was actually hitting him or not. I didn't really care. He then picked me up by the shoulders and threw me hard into the wall, causing little stones to crack and fall down next to me. 

"You are my daughter!" He growled, grabbing me by the shoulders again. "Fight like it!"

My chest was heaving as I fought to catch my breath. I growled back at him. "You will never be my father,"

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