Chaper 17

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"What do you mean regret meeting you?" Adam yelled at Bo.

He stood their smirking. Adam was about to go beat him up, but James and I had to hold him back.

"If you think you're gonna hurt one of them especially her, I'll beat the shit out of you!" Adam yelled as we were holding him back.

Then Bo walks out the door. Douche.

The room was in dead silence. What does he mean you're gonna regret ever meeting me? The thought terrified me. Does that mean he's gonna hurt someone? It was getting late, so I just headed to bed.

I got up the next morning. I was very tired. I barely slept last night. Those words just kept replaying in my head. I'm gonna try not to think about it too much.

Connor and Adam stayed over last night. Connor was terrified to go home. Wouldn't blame him.

We all ate breakfast and decided to go shopping. I'm glad to get out of the house. After what happened yesterday, I just needed to get out of there.

We got to the mall and we went our separate ways, Adam and I went with Tris, I wanted to be with at least one of my brothers.

It was quiet for a while, until Adam spoke up.

"What did he mean by that yesterday." He asked concerned.

"Who knows." I muttered.

Tris had his hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him.

"Everything's gonna be ok." He assured me.

I turned back to Adam, who pecked my cheek as soon as I turned to him.

Part of me believed Tris. But another part believed something bad was gonna happen. I know Bo hurt Tris that day. He almost took him away from me. But there was no evidence I could bring to the police. So there goes that idea. But I know something's bound to happen.

All of us finished shopping. I was glad to see that everyone's ok. I don't know why but I just am.

We were all hungry, so we all went to some restaurant near by and went in to order our food.

As we waited for our food, Connor came up behind me.

"You alright?" He asked worried.

I look up at him and shrugged.

"Not really." I replied.

He knew I was thinking about something.

"What's the matter?" He asked.

I had to tell the truth.

"Aren't you worried that something bad is gonna happen?" I asked.

I sighed. "I don't know I just have this feeling that something bad is gonna happen." I explain to Connor.

He gave me a pat on the back and replied,

"Try not to think about it. It's gonna be ok."

But I know it's not. He sounds like everyone somehow today. I just know something bad's gonna happen. I have no clue why. I think I'm just going mentally insane but I don't know.

We were just about to leave when I got a text from an unknown number. I knew exactly who it was from.

Unknown: You're about to be scarred for the rest of your life.

What the fuck? What does this mean?

"Ok would somebody like to explain what this means." I say to all of them showing them the text.

Adam grabbed my phone so that all of them could see. They all looked confused, and James seemed worried. At this point, I think we were all worried.

We all just decided to head home. Nobody said a word. I really want to know what he means by those words. It questioned and worried me.

We got home and headed inside. It felt so weird. We all looked at each other very confused.

"I'm gonna go upstairs and put my stuff away." I said.

And I walked up stairs.

I notice that my door was slightly open. First I see a hand. Maybe it was Bo passed out or whatever? Then I saw blood. My heart was racing. Then I saw a familiar face. My world turned upside down.

I jumped and screamed at the top of my lungs. I threw my bags to the side not caring if anything fell out.

Tris and James ran up stairs. Tris and James soon caught on to what happened. Tris held me really tight. James's jaw was practically on the floor. Soon, Brad and Connor were up there.

Connor jumped when he saw what happened and let out a little scream.

Brad stood there with golfball size eyes. He looked so terrified.

"What the hell's going on?" Adam said.

Oh no. He's gonna see. James tried to hold him back, but it was too late. Adam saw. His eyes grew wide. Tears were forming in his eyes. "Tommy!"

Now Do You See ~ Adam LambertWhere stories live. Discover now