Chapter 8

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Bullshit. This week has been complete bullshit. I wake up every morning to a text saying this

"Having fun yet?"

Then, I come home from school and be confronted by Bo, who slams my face into the door then says things like

"Your worthless."

"Nobody wants you."

"I hope you die."

And he just leaves. I'm just glad it was Friday. I decided just to take off from school, because three of my closest friends that I've known forever were coming to stay the night! Connor, Collins, and Devan.

I know Devan from school, he's a Junior at my school and he's seventeen.

I know his brother Collins from America's Got Talent. He was a finalist in season eight. He's nineteen.

Connor is my brothers best friend. I've know him for almost four years. He's also nineteen.

I was out in the living room on my phone when I felt someone touch on shoulder.


It was Collins.

"Hey!"I said hugging him. Devan walked over to us.

"How've you been?" Devan asked

"Ok. How about you guys?" I asked.

"Great." Collins replied.

Soon, the door flung open. It was Connor.

"There she is!" He said.

I jumped from the couch and hugged him.

"I missed you so much!" I said.

"Me too." He replied.

Soon, Brad, Tris, and James came down stairs to greet Connor.

At around seven, Collins came flying through the door with a box of pizza. We all ate like hogs and got caught up on our lives. I told them about Adam and about tomorrow. I asked Adam earlier in the week if they can come and he said sure. He's too nice sometimes. I guess that's sorta me too.

"Did you ever find out where we're going?" Brad asked.

"Nope." I replied popping the P.

"And all of you better pay for everything just in case. I don't want Adam wasting his money." I said.

"Trust me. We won't." Collins replied.

"So are you guys dating?" Connor asked. I roll my eyes and somewhat smile.

"Do you know how many times I've been asked that! No we're not officially." I replied laughing.

James all of a sudden got up.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

Soon, he grabbed the movie Into The Storm, my other favorite movie.

"Who's in?" James asked.

We all agreed.

The movie is about these storm chasers chasing this huge storm that starts off with small tornadoes, then it gets more severe and eventually an EF5 tornado hits. It's a really cool movie.

When the movie ended, everyone got up. We noticed that Connor is gone.

"Where's Con?" Tris asked.

"I'll go find him." I reply.

I went upstairs to the guest bedroom and found Connor sitting on the side of the bed. He looked sad.

Connor's POV

I left the living room when it was near the end. I sat by the edge of the bed just thinking, my best friend met someone she cared about. And who seems like he cares about her, seeing all the trouble she's been going through.

"Con." Kaitlyn said.

I turned around and saw her towards the door. She walked up to the bed and sat next to me.

"You alright?" She asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

I sighed. I wasn't alright though. I just had this feeling for her. I was in love with her, but I've been scared to tell her after all these years, especially after what happened with Bo.

"Connor, talk to me." She said
wrapping her arm around me.

She's so sweet. I took a deep breath. Then I explained to her everything.

"Its just that I have this feeling for you. Ever since I met you, I've been in love with you. You're sweet, funny, and beautiful in every way and-"

I paused for a second. Tears started running down my face, I kept going chocking on my words

"I've always wanted to date you, but then you started dating Bo and then that whole thought got screwed up when he started abusing you and now you found someone and I'm really happy for you, but I'm also jealous cause your my best friend and I've always liked you."

I started to cry cause I couldn't hold back anymore.

Kaitlyn had a tear running down her face too. She wiped it off and hugged me. I buried my fave into her chest.

"I never knew you liked me. I've always thought that nobody did till now. I'll be by your side even if we're not dating. Your still my partner in crime and I love you as if you were one of my brothers." She said smiling a little.

I look up and smile back. I've known her for about four years and she's been by my side since.

"Thank you." I said calming myself down.

"No problem." She replied.

"I'll be in my room if you need anything. I'm super hyped for tomorrow." She said.

"Me too." I replied.

She walked out of the room and I just sat there. I love seeing her happy. She hasn't really been this happy in so long. It was about time for someone to come into her life.

The next morning

Kaitlyn's POV

It was already the next morning and I got up pretty early. I got ready and started to find something to wear. In the end, I finally gave in and decided to wear skinny jeans and a plain black shirt. I turned around and saw Devan. I sorta jumped cause I didn't know he was awake.

"Jezz Devan don't scare me like that!" I yelled kinda quietly.

"Sorry." He chuckled.

"Just wondering, when are we leaving?" He asked.

"11am, but you know all of you have to drive on your own you know." I replied.

"I figured that. Just you and Adam are riding together?" He asked.

"Yeah I guess so." I replied.

At around ten, Kyle, Shannon, and Andrew came. Everyone sat in the living room and chatted for a while, untill I saw Adam's car pull up.

"I'm gonna head out. I'll meet you guys at wherever the hell we're going." I said.

I walked out the door and saw Adam outside the car.

"Hey!" He said.

"Hey." I replied hugging him.

"Your ready to go?" He asked.

"Yeah, let's go." I replied.

And we drove off with everyone following behind us.

Now Do You See ~ Adam LambertWhere stories live. Discover now