Let It Out

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Scorpius stood from the sofa. "Rose, er, would you like to step into the kitchen with me?"

Rose nodded, whispering something inaudible to Dominique. Slowly she walked in the neighbouring room.


"Listen, I'm sorry. I don't remember anything about that night. I didn't think I could be pregnant. I just found out today!"

"So why did you go and tell everyone before me? Did you not think it was my baby, because I don't see you getting with any other guys," Scorpius began to raise his voice.

Rose knew he couldn't get mad at her. He would feel awful. Scorpius was just frustrated, she thought. It was her fault for not telling him.

"Scorpius, shut up. There's no need to be nasty," Rose said. Tears were still rolling down her face, but she acted calm compared to how she felt. "I was going to tell you I just-"

"Were you? Really? Or were you planning to get rid of it and just never tell me?" Scorpius slammed his fist on the counter. "Having a baby is bad, but that's worse. Don't get rid of the baby."

"I wasn't planning on it," Rose said. "Now, can we just go back to what we were doing and talk about this later? You and your family can come for dinner or something."

"I really don't think that's appropriate, considering-"

"Considering what? That this isn't something parents should be happy about?"

Scorpius put his face in his hands. Rose was at a loss for words. This isn't something friends should experience, having a baby together.

"Listen, Scorpius. We've been friends since sometime around third year. I know I ignored you and avoided telling you. I'm scared."

Scorpius pulled Rose into a hug. It was unexpected, and felt awkward.

"Rose, I'm so sorry," Scorpius whispered.

Rose sniffed and pulled out of the hug. She walked into the other room where everybody else was and sat on the couch.

"So?" James asked.

"So? You're a fucking git, James," said Rose. "I was going to tell him and after I told you not to say anything. Why are you such an idiot?"

James mumbled an apology and got up to walk back to his room. Fred followed soon after, leaving Dominique and Rose behind.

"You going to go up there with him?" Dominique asked her. Rose sighed and nodded, then grabbed Dominique's hand to pull herself up.

"Rose, I'll owl you about dinner," Scorpius said, just in time for Rose to hear.

"So, what are you going to do about names?" Dominique asked later that night.

"I think you should name it after me," said Fred, blowing out smoke as he spoke.

"I disagree! The baby should be named after me, since I did tell the father," James said.

"You two are idiots. I would never name my baby after either of you. Seeing as you guys are already named after somebody yourself, why would I do that? And James, you're a bloody git, so Fred would have a better chance."

"Who says it's going to be a boy anyways? I think it'll be a girl," Dominique said, plopping down next to James on his bed and taking his cigarette out of his mouth and into hers.

"Let's bet on it!" James said, stealing his cigarette back. "Five galleons. If it's a boy, which I know it will be, I win. If it's a girl, which it won't be, you win."

"Are you guys seriously betting on my baby?" Rose laughed. "But since I'm thinking about it, what am I gonna name the baby?"

"We already told you. Name it after one of us."

"I said no! Just drop the subject. I'm sure Scorpius will want to be a part of the naming process since he is the father." Dominique and James spoke at once, both with opposite reactions.

"You're not going to let him help name the baby! You can't!" James said, slightly louder than Dominique.

"He's right down the hall, I can go get him," suggested Dominique.

"James, I don't really want him to have anything to do with the baby, but I've been thinking about it. It is only right that I let him help a bit, since he found out this early. And Dom, I swear to Merlin," Rose began to threaten Dominique, but she had already left the room.

She entered the room with Scorpius and Albus following her. "Oh, Al, don't look so pissy. Your best friend and cousin are having a baby. Celebrate!"

"Well you see, I'm not even celebrating myself," Scorpius said calmly. Rose looked up at him as a cry for help but he didn't seem to notice her.

"Shut up, drink anyway! Have a cigarette!"

Albus suddenly didn't look as angry and sat beside Rose on the floor. He took a cigarette and breathed it out. "James, how doesn't mum know about this in your room?"

"I don't know, and I don't care. I've had it in my room for two years now. She doesn't have a clue. Seriously, Scorpius, have a smoke or something you're making me nervous."

"No, this isn't something to celebrate! I'd understand if we were older or married, but we're teenagers! We're still in school! I'm sure Scorpius agrees! Now, I feel really sick. so I'm going to go and throw up and I better not see any alcohol or cigarettes when I get back!" Rose said, walking out the door.

Everyone panicked after she left, putting out cigarettes and hiding alcohol. Albus quickly ran out with his cigarette, Scorpius following while rolling his eyes. Even Fred put out his cigarette at Rose's command.

Rose walked back into the room slowly. She went to the bed Fred was on and laid on it.

"I'm going to bed," she said. She closed her eyes, and within seconds she was snoring lightly.

"She's so cute when she's sleeping," Fred said while brushing through her hair.

"I can't believe she's going to have a baby. Little Rosie, having a little baby."

"Dom, are you referring to her height or age? Because yeah she's short, but only a year younger than us," James laughed quietly, careful not to wake Rose up.

"I think I'm going to go to bed," said Dominique, signalling for Fred to get off her and Rose's bed.

Fred climbed on the top bunk of James' bed. The boys had bunk beds and the girls slept in the same bed, just like always. This time wasn't any different but it seemed like it was.

"I guess I'll turn off the lights then," James said stomping out of bed and walking over to the opposite side of his room.

"Thanks, James," Dominique said, rolling over to steal some blanket from Rose.

"Goodnight, Dom," was his response.

The room was filled with four sleeping teenagers and soft snores moments later.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2016 ⏰

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