Taking her away

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Mabel P.O.V

I run around playing with Dipper, we dash around the gift shop laughing. I see a light in the forest and stop "Woah!" we say in union as we tumble to the ground "Sorry Bro-Bro! Gots to go- meet up with Candy and Grenda!" I say as I dash out the door into the forest. "Heeeelllooooo?" I say in a sing-song happy voice "Mabel..." I turn to see Dipper "Wow! Dipstick why are you dressed so weirdly?! Wheres your hat?" He frowns and grabs my wrist and waist. "Mabel!!" Tears stream down my face in fear, I see Dipper reaching for me "Dipper!!" He yanks me away to a strange portal, it looked like a black hole. "Mabel!" I hear Dipper scream as Im dragged into the portal.

Dipper P.O.V

"Grunkle Stan! Grunkle Ford!" I yell chocking back tears as 'I' had just dragged my sister into a portal. "Dipper! Calm down whats wronge?!" I looked up to see a obviously worried Stan and Ford "A guy that looked exactly like me, including the birth mark. Came over grabbed Mabel and dragged her into this 'portal' thing!" Fords face grew scared "Alternate..." I was now even more confused "What?" He looked at me and got on his knees "Dipper?" I looked at him and nodded "Yes?" He sighed "That was another Dipper from another dimension, like a clone but only in looks...So hes like a look-alike with a complete difrent personality" I almost vommited in fear "So why did he kidnap Mabel?!" He looked at the door stood up and walked in signaling for me to follow. I hesitantly followed. He grabbed a old wooden chest and oppened it up. "Ok so appearenlty his Mabel was killled, or rather 'erased' so he came and got this Mabel..." I grunted "But why was he dressed like that?" Ford looked back into the chest "Ok so this says that the rolls have been switched..." I rolled my eyes "meaning?" He read over it and glanced back at me "Ok so it says 'Dipper:Gideon Mabel:Gideon Gideon:Dipper Pacifaca:Mabel' But it also says 'Mabel is genderbender Dipper so they act think and speak alike..." My eyes widen "Who is Gideon and Pacifaca?" I explain to him and he sighs "Mabel is more important to all three of them in this dimension... Pacifaca barely knows anything about you and Gideon hates you....But Gideon loves Mabel and Pacifaca hates her.so bassicly they know of mabel more than you." I look up at him "And?" He sighs "He kidnapped her to replace his Mabel but he will try and make her act like his Mabel so if we dont hurry Mabel will become like...Gideon." I screamed...That was not a reality I was going to live in!!! I dash to the portal- No...No!!! "Its gone!" I cry out and start throwing my hands on the ground kicking and screaming "Dipper...I know how you feel, having your twin taken away in a portal....." I look up to see Stan sitting next to me "Will she be gone for 30 years?" He shakes his head no "She will if you dont stay positive, We have all three journals so we can fix this!" I wipe my tears and smile

Gideon P.O.V

I walk to the journal and flip through the pages "I will get my dear Mabel to love me!" I find a spell that will make her fall in love with me... "Perfect." I walk over and grab a small vile and fill it with water "Em evol lliw uoy!" The water turned into a soft pink color and dropped to the floor, I smirked and picked it up "Im coming my peach dumplin!" I dashed down stairs and put my new amulet on, this amulet does the same thing as the other but less breakable. "Dad im going to the pines house!" He looked confused but nodded as I dashed towards the Mystery Shack 666 words and in Gideons POV...should have known Mabel dear im coming! I knock on the door but no awnser...Hm I wonder... After 10 minutes of waiting I head home and sit on my bed wondering...Where is Mabel?

Pacifaca P.O.V

I walk downstairs and out the door heading over to the mall, this was my chance to get revenge on Mabel! I ran down the street not wanting to ride in my limo today...Where is she? She is allways here! Today is the day that she gets more yarn... 2:00 is the time she allways comes! I walk over to the most exspensive store and buy 9 more dresses "Pacifaca?" I turn to see Ariel my best friend Not a oc! It's Pacifaca real friend that we see sometimes, you know short red hair? "Hey girl!" I run over to her and hug her "Carry these!" I walk away as she carrys my dresses "Where is she!" I grunt as I walk out the door

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