"It has nothing of value in there, i only have my book in there so you can take it if you want". I replied. He went into my bag and pulled out my book. He looked at the book and laughed.

"Jane Eyre". He read it out loud.

"No shoot sherlock". I said.

"So your a English nerd as well as a Science nerd". He said.

"Hey, don't call me that!" I shouted. He took a large step back.

"Sorry but you did beat my six form class and your only in the end of year 9". He said.

"Well your six form class were unprepared for the last test, that's why they failed and didn't beat me". I blurted out.

"Well how old are you now?" He asked.

"Fifteen". I replied. He smiled.

"Well you've still got a lot to learn but your science career will be very successful if you carry on at this rate". He said.

"I don't want a career in science". I said.

He looked confused. "Then what do you want to do?" He asked.

"Music, I know it sounds silly but I love to sing but i don't know if i'm any good at all". I replied. He smiled.

"A little singer". He said.

"Do not call me little!" I screamed at him.

"Well you can project your voice when you want to, you should have no problem with music". He said.

I laughed. He grabbed my hand and led my down the corridor to the music room.

He picked up a microphone and turned it on. He passed it to me. I smiled.

"Sing!" He said.

I grabbed the guitar and placed the microphone in the stand. I sat on the stool.

"This is a little something i've been working on. It's called Misery Buisness by Paramore.

I started to play the guitar and waited for my cue to sing.

I'm in the business of misery

Let's take it from the top

She's got a body like an hourglass

That's ticking like a clock

It's a matter of time

Before we all run out

When I thought he was mine

She caught him by the mouth

I waited eight long months

She finally set him free

I told him I can't lie

He was the only one for me

Two weeks and we caught on fire

She's got it out for me

But I wear the biggest smile

Whoa, I never meant to brag

But I got him where I want him now

Whoa, it was never my intention to brag

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2011 ⏰

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