Chapter 2:feelings?

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"So you gave him your number?" Bri said practically pulling Luna's shirt."yeah I did so what?"Luna said escaping from bri's tight grip."did you guys text last night?"bri said walking right on Luna's heel."yeah we texted for a while"Luna said with a light blush crossing her soft cheaks,rubbing the back of her neck.

"So what did you guys talk about?how long were you guys texting?" Bri said grabbing Luna's arm again,as they were walking to school this was happing just letting you know."well we just got to know each other and we asked questions and we texted for a while"Luna said scratching the back of her neck with a more brighter red crossing her face.

"But like what time?" Bri asked curiously. "Ok ok we stopped texting at like 10:00 or 11:00 not a big deal" Luna said scratching her neck her face redder than ever."Damn for real??"bri asked while jumping around like a little dog.

"Yes for real so what" Luna said speed walking to school trying to get out of that conversation. "Damn so what's the deal with you two?" Bri said catching up with Luna. "What do you mean?" Luna said stopping to see what she meant.

"I mean do you like him? does he like you?"she said stopping next to you." Well I don't know I have to get to know him a little better and I don't know if he likes me its hard to say plus I'm dating Noah"Luna said continuing to walk towards school.

"Do you even like Noah?you guys don't even talk anymore he doesn't hold your hand and you guys haven't even kissed yet you don't even text!" Bri said with a firm tone walking next to Luna."you right about that but no one else likes him I feel sorry ok"Luna said trying escape the conversation again.

"So I'm guessing you don't like him?" Bri said stopping Luna in her tracks at least a few feet from school."no I don't ok ugh what should I do I don't want to hurt Noah's feelings!"Luna said turning towards bri.

"Well first see if Justin likes you or not then go from there" bri said giving Luna a hug for luck."ok I will but since your in Justin's class your gonna have to help me out by doing some research"Luna said nudging bri's shoulder.

"Ugh do I have to?"bri said escaping from Luna's hug." Yes you do now let's go!"Luna said opening the school door and going in."damn you fine!"bri said walking in the school behind Luna they both signed in and got to class.

(Lunch time)

"So where do you wanna sit?" Luna asked bri as they got their lunch."let's sit over there by Justin and Amanda (Amanda new girl student in Luna's class)"um ok?"Luna said walking over to Amanda and Justin.

"Hey luna!" Amanda said as bri sat next to her."hey"Justin said getting up so Luna could sit inside the row.(WHAT A GENTLEMAN!! (T^T)) "thanks and hey" Luna said as she sat Down as Justin sat next to her.

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