Chapter 1:back to school

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It was the first day of school for Luna,and she was excited to see her friend Aphrodite again.It's been a whole 3 months since she seen her. It was 5:50 in the morning when she got up and groaned."ugh school,wait...SCHOOL!!!!"she said jumping out of her bed getting dressed into uniform.

(6:13am)"so the bus gets here at 6:15 what time is it now?"she said grabbing her phone to see what time it was."Oh shit I better get outside!!!"she said grabbing her bookbag,headphones,phone,and jacket.she races outside to see the bus barely stopping,she jumps over the fence to catch the bus and gets on the bus out of breath."phew that was close"she said sitting in the first seat behind the busdriver because she was shy to sit by anyone.about an hour passes by and she arrives at school. (finally)

As she walks to her first period class,ms.kunze,she See's her friend bricia from last year."hey bri!"she said calling out for her by her nickname as bri turns around and smiles."hey lay-lay!"she says calling out to Luna by her nickname as they hug and laugh for a bit.

"so what group you in?"bri says,"7B you?"she replies with a smile like she usually does."damn no I'm in 7A!"she says with her smile slowly going upsidedown. "Aw well at least we can still see each other during each period" lay-lay says with a smile."true true!"bri says with a smile again.

(p.s at this school there are group a.k.a classes and there are different groups for each grade)"yeah well I better get in class"she said holding her hands out gesturing for a hug."yeah me too"bri said hugging lay-lay tightly.

Middle School Loveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें