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* Ban *

I stared into the ever going darkness waiting for some type of light to brighten my now gloomy prison.

What the hell was going on with King?

Sighing I step forward and reach once more into the open air "Where the hell am I?" And as if on cue a blinding light emerged "so damn cliché" I chuckle out shielding my eyes from the red glow.

"Ban, the sin of greed, bastard of immortality, welcome to your new home."

Readjusting my eyes I see a familiar face before me, Elaine. Smirking I give a little tsk and turn away from her "whatcha want Blondie?"

"Your everlasting soul"

* King *
I sat in the now rain soaked grass pressing a bleeding Ban to my chest "N-no no no.. I'm sorry, so so sorry!" I sobbed burying my face into his hair "you *HIC* treated me like no other and I *HIC* allowed my sister to do this"

Gripping his body tighter I continuously kissed his face hoping that maybe the warmth would wake him and that this might all just be a dream but nothing happened.

I was and forever will be a monster, not him, not my fox.

* Ban *

"Hate to break it to ya sweetheart but this is only temporary. I'll wake up soon."

Elaine growled "Don't you think I know that?! But its not your life I'm really after, its your happiness, something you stole from me a long time ago."

I looked at her in confusion "You see, I know how much you love my brother and how much he loves you, and knowing my brother he probably feels responsible for this and plans on doing an old saying, ya know 'a life for a life' "

My heart stopped.

He wouldn't.. He can't..

Pumpkin, please give me a chance to wake up.. Please.


A/n: guys I'm back and I'm ready to write some fantastic chapters for you!

Also I just published a Markiplier x Reader called 'To Love a Gamer' and I would love it if you guys would also check it out.

Comment and maybe vote?

Enjoy! ~ Solaris

To Love a Sin /// Ban X kingWhere stories live. Discover now