Chapter Four: Willa

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Joslyn's room is similar to mine, but the colour scheme is purple as opposed to gold. "Did you knock that glass over, or was it Mrs. Charleston?" She asks.
"Well it wasn't me, but I'm not sure it was Mrs. Charleston either."
"Maybe Ethel, or Caroline, or the old maid or butler, or maybe a fresher spirit."
"Probably none of the original 7, they don't seem like the trickster type, my ghost was the trickster type."
"Your ghost? You have your own personal ghost?"
"Not a personal ghost, but I think it was the same one that slammed the library door and smacked the pool balls together." I hope my inferences sound intelligent, I really want Joslyn to like me and respect me.
"Maybe he or she's head ghost of the house."
"That's what we can believe until we're proven otherwise."
"Yes, let's design a ghost." She pulls a piece of paper and a pen out of her desk and sits in the chair next to mine. "Do we think it's a boy or a girl?"
"She's a girl, a strong, independent spirit."
"I like it." She writes down the detail. "Do you think she's young or old?"
"Very young, probably a teen or child because of her tricky nature."
"Right. What kind of personality are we thinking other than mischievous? I agree with the confidence, I also think she has a good sense of humour."
"Exactly, and she's nice when she needs to be, tough the rest of the time."
"This is good. What does she do around the house? Perhaps her independence leaves her to her own accord most of the time."
"For sure, but the parlour is a popular spot you'll find her in."
"I think this ghost is turning into my best friend, she just needs a name." We both think for a moment. "How about Harriet, it basically means 'home ruler' in German." 
"You hit the nail on the head with that one, Joslyn." We take some time to celebrate the character we had just created before I remember why we even came here in the first place.

"Oh, my dress, I had nearly forgotten." I say, calling attention to the stain.
"Why yes, I had forgotten myself. You can borrow one of my outfits from the closest while I take care of this."
"That won't be necessary, I have my own clothes just in the next room."
"Don't be silly, the change in style will be good for you. I do have quite the selection." I walk to the closet and open the 2 wooden doors; she does have quite the selection, but nothing that suits my taste. "I can pick for you, if you're having trouble deciding."
"No, it's all right but-"
"Nope, I already have something in mind." She digs through the closet and pulls out an emerald green gown with a patterned lace top.
"Are you insane?! I could never wear that."
"Of course you could. You will in fact. Go on ahead into the bathroom, I'll work on this for now."

I hesitantly step into the bathroom and marvel at the sight in front of me, the dress itself is beautiful and it would be especially so if Joslyn was wearing it, but I don't have the same capabilities as Joslyn to pull off such a dress. I do try it on though, for her sake. "Are you ready?" She asks from just outside the door.
"Do you even have it on yet?"
"I-I do." I say my words carefully.
"Well then come out and let me see."
"I'd rather not."
"Willie, either you come out here or I come in there." I don't respond, because I can't win either way. Joslyn does eventually come into the bathroom and her jaw drops when she sees me.
"I told you it wouldn't suit me."
"Are you joking? It's absolutely gorgeous."
"Don't say that just to make me feel good."
"I'm not, I'm saying it because it's true."
"Is there any way I can shake you back into reality so you can see how bad this is?"
"I'm afraid any possibility of that was lost the second I stepped into this bathroom."
"I don't like this false flattery."
"Then let me prove it's not false."
"How do you suppose you're going to go about doing that?" Without answering, she grabs me by the arm, takes me out of the bathroom and across the bedroom towards the door; to stop her, I plant my feet on the ground as hard as I can and don't let up for a single moment.
"Willie, don't be like this." 
"I'm not ready." She looks at me with frustration in her eyes, before her expression changes drastically.
"You're right."
"I-I am?"
"Yes, you're not ready to go down there." She guides me back to the chair I was sitting in originally.
"Finally you see some reason."
"I haven't even done your hair yet."
"Wait, what did you just say?"
"Yes, your hair has so much potential that's just wasted when it's all balled up like this." She's referring to my bun, the simple and neat bun that I always wear. But Joslyn, being who she is, wants it to be more flashy and attention grabbing, the exact opposite of who I am. She starts by completely demolishing my up-do, and stops by completely demolishing my up-do, now she's just staring into the mirror like a mad woman.
"Um... Joslyn? Are you all right?"
"Oh Wille, don't you see? This, is what I was talking about." She tussles my long, dirty blonde hair about like she's a kitten playing with warn. I do have to admit, I like my hair down.
"I'm still not ready to go down there."
"But you didn't say you don't like it, which means you do like it! So I've done well and you should thank me and you should give me the pleasure of showing off my masterwork." I do love her over the top logic and endless enthusiasm.
"Fine, but just this one time."
"Thank you so much Willie! I promise that after tonight you'll be begging me to borrow more clothes."
"You can choose to believe whatever you want."
"Then I choose to believe that you're beautiful." I can't help but blush at her kind words.

We return to the dinning to immediate stares from both the Doctor and Simon. "What a reaction." I remark, feeling slightly uncomfortable.
"My dear, I say. Miss Diefenbach, you look lovely this evening." The Doctor greets me with a kiss on the hand.
"Ladies." Simon bows and pulls our chairs out for us and tucks them in when we sit, the whole bit. I feel like a queen, all thanks to Joslyn, maybe I should listen to her more often.

After dinner we're in the parlour and I'm sitting next to Doctor Reddington while Joslyn is taking Simon up on his challenge. The young man is obviously regretting his bluff as he's already lost 1 game and isn't doing so well the second time around either, but Joslyn still encourages him and gives him tips, just like I expected her to do. "They're quite a pair, aren't they?" The Doctor says quietly.
"They are indeed."
"It's not often that 2 investigators make such a connection during one of these investigations, things are a little more intimate this time around though, I've never worked with a group this small."
"What do you usual find in these old houses?" I'm changing the subject, but just because I'm so curious.
"'Strange occurrences' that will always be labelled as such until we can find some concrete evidence, I'm thinking this time will be different, but I guess that's what I always say."
"I agree with you about things being different. I find that everything about this mission is exactly different from the usual, it's different for me because I've never done this before, your partner is different, the number of people is different, everything is exactly different." 
"You know you've got quite the brilliant mind there, Willa."
"Oh Doctor Reddington, you're too kind."
"Please, call me Marvin."
"Marvin it is then." Abruptly, Joslyn practically falls into the seat next to me.
"Willie, Simon's tired of getting beaten, are you up for a game or two?" She inquires.
"I'm actually just about ready to head off to bed. Besides, I couldn't play in this dress anyways."
"Allow me to walk you to your room, it's on the way to mine." Marvin offers and I link my arm with his.
"Same offer extends from me to you, Joslyn." She happily accepts Simon's offer and we're both lead to our rooms by perfect gentleman.

"Until tomorrow, Willa." The Doctor says as he heads towards his own room.
"Until tomorrow." I repeat back.
"Goodnight my fair maiden." Simon imitates a Romeo and Juliet type voice.
"And to you, my prince." With both the men gone off to bed, that left Joslyn and I still in the hallway.
"Sweet dreams Willie, and please don't be afraid to come into my room if you need me sometime during the night, you'll notice that our rooms are connected."
"Same to you Joslyn, and thank you for everything you've already done for me."
"Well, expect much more than that to come in the future."
"I will. Goodnight."
"Goodnight." With that, she goes into her room and I go into mine.

As I lie in bed I get slightly nervous, because if Joslyn was right- which I assume she is-, then the real fun starts tonight, which may be no fun at all.

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