Physical Attractions

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Bella's POV:

I have all my classes with Edward. This year is going to be great. " so Bella, how old are you?" Edward said while his hand brushed up against mine for a brief second, I felt an an jolt of of physical attraction; like electricity I looked into his golden eyes and he smiled a crocked smile that dazzled me. "Um..... I'm uh. 17!" He laughed " it's nice to know I am not the only on that feels nervous." "Wait... You are nervous? From what?" "You silly... Bella whenever we touch I feel a wave if physical attraction towards you it feels weird. Wait, can I try something?" I nodded and he held my hand. "Wow this feels much better. Bella can I hold your hand all day?" I giggled and shook my head. " Edward silly, if we hold hands people will think we are a couple." We had just walked to where our cars were parked and there was no sign of his family yet "Well I know a way to solve that......Bella, will you be my girlfriend?"

Cliffhanger, will Bella say yes or will Edward get rejected? Please comment

Edward and BellaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora