"Your mother and I decided to pick you up early today. It is the last day of school after all. Oh, there she is now." He said.

I look behind me again and saw my mom walking toward me. She smiles and I quickly run over to hug her.

"Mommy!" I say as I hugged her tight.

Mom giggled. "Hi, sweetie. I already checked you out and got your stuff. Do want to go get some ice cream?"

My eyes widened and I cheered like crazy. "Yes! Yes! Yes!"

She giggles again. "Okay, come on. And where on earth are your shoes?"

"I took them off. Let me go get them," I walked back to the swing where my shoes were.

The bear cub was still there, and when I went to pick my shoes up he said, "They're not your real parents and those aren't your real siblings. All of you are adopted."

"Adopted? What's that?"

"Ask them." He replied as he got off the swing and walk toward the sand pit.

I watched him leave, wondering what it was that he meant.

At that moment my mom spoke up, "Come on Sweetie. We're gonna see grandma, grandpa, and all your aunts, uncles, and cousins too."

I quickly put my shoes on and hurried over to her. I tried to ignore the words the bear had said, but they were already drilled in too deep in my head.

I still enjoyed to rest of the day though. Despite the annoying thought in my head. I had also noticed that my mom look a little distressed too.

It wasn't until hours later when we were doing the dishes for grandma and grandpa that I decided to say something.

"Mommy, are you okay?"

She looked down at me, surprised. "Of course, I am. Why wouldn't I be?" She forced a smile, and I saw right through it.

"You just...look upset. Is something bothering you? Something is bothering me." I say, sheepishly.

Mom looks worried. She wipes her paws on her pants, and takes my hand. She sets me on top of the table, in front of her, while she sat in the chair.

"What's bothering you, snowflake?" She asked.

I had always liked that she called me Snowflake and my dad always called me Snowball.

"I'll tell you if you tell me," I said, stubbornly.

Mom nods. "I promise. Would you like me to tell you now?"

I nodded and she continued.

"Do you remember that bear cub you were swinging with? Well, with my super rabbit hearing, I heard him say something to you and it upset me."

My ears perked at that. "Whoa! He's what I wanted to talk about too!"

Mom's ears lowered. "Really? Was it something he said? We're probably upset about the same thing."

"He said something about how...how you and daddy aren't my parents, and how Thumper and the Quads aren't my real siblings. He said something about...adaptation?"

"Adoption." She corrected.

"Yeah! That! What is it?"

And then, with much hesitation, she explained everything to me. I didn't know what to feel. How could I feel sad when I was happy with the family I had? How could I miss my real parents when I've never met them?

I didn't miss them. I wasn't sad. Honestly, I didn't even care. I shrugged it off like it was no big deal. To be honest, it really isn't.

My dad had tucked me in that same night, and confronted me about the conversation I had with mom.

Zootopia: Snowfall (CURRENTLY BEING REWRITTEN)Where stories live. Discover now