I gasped in horror as I looked up.


The voice was all it took for me to burst into tears. I knew I was right. Deep down I had a feeling it was her. Here she was, my own mother standing in front of my very eyes. Why was she here, why now?

I was too busy realising I had been right about my mother, I had forgotten one other person in the room that was standing just behind me. That very person standing now right in front of me was definitely the last person I was expecting to see.


Horror-struck, I looked down as he held a small gun in his hand.

"N-Norman...what are you doing?"

A sudden uneasiness grew in my stomach and felt nausea overtake me.

"Norman what are you doing? P-please...don't hurt my mother". I slowly made a step forward. Not far from him, I saw one of Norma's antiques scattered onto the floor in pieces. Now I know what had woken me up in the first place.

"Oh hello Elissa. Come to join us?"  I felt my throat tighten immensely, as if someone had their hands around my neck, their grip tightening by the minute. He turned and face my mother the gun now pointing directly at her face.

"Norman stop! Why are you doing this? Please don't, I'm begging you." Tears streamed out of my eyes non-stop. He glanced at me. Nothing but pure hatred and anger filled his eyes, a sly smile also formed across his face. But why? What did I ever do to him to deserve this?

"Why am I doing this? Oh Elissa, if only you knew how much you've destroyed this family. It's only fair I do the same to you."

Anger boiled throughout my body. Without a moment to spare I charged up to him and pushed him. He collided with a chair cause him to stumble and lose his balance. But not a moment later he was up on his feet again. He came right at me and slammed me back, my head coming into contact with the wall behind me. An excruciating pain filled my head. Moments later he had removed his hands from me. I dusted myself off, trying to ignore the throbbing headache my head began to form.

"I've done nothing but care for you and this family. This is not me Norman. This is you. You're angry because of everything that's happened with Norma. You're just angry because you know that both you and your Mother are hiding stuff from me. This is crazy Norman....your crazy!" My mother sat there confused and petrified. He turned back at me and ran a hand through his hair. The gun in his hand was now gripped so tightly with his hands; I could see his knuckles turning white.

"Care? Ha! You've done nothing but ruin this family, from the moment you stepped your damn foot in this house. You've turned everyone in this house against me and mother. You put Mother in Jail. You've destroyed everything!" He screeched insanely.

"But you don't care; you just run to Mr big boy and think everything will be okay; 'oh look, it's me Dylan Massett, I'll be here for you Elissa, We will get through this, and I'll protect you.'" I felt like punching him for mocking Dylan.

"You will pay for this Elissa. I'll torture you just like you did when you decided to come here and ruin everything! I will never forgive you for this!" He screeched. I had jumped in fear, from his violent outburst. My eyes were glued onto the gun his hands waving around in different directions.

I mentally shook my head crazed by how psychotic he had become. He had absolutely no right to be acting in this way. Then it struck me. What if he was in one of those blackouts again? I've had never seen this in Norman, nor would I have ever expected this from someone like him. Getting angry maybe, but holding a gun threatening my mother? This...wasn't Norman. It can't have been. This must have been a black out. I tried reassuring myself that this was not Norman. He was just in one of his blackouts and that he had no idea what he was doing.

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