Chapter 11

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I opened my eyes and I could hear a slight snore from beside me. I slightly turned around and saw Dylan sleeping. It was dark but I could see him fairly clearly. I turned around and grabbed my phone and looked at the time. It read 1:22am. I turned back around and looked at Dylan. Eventually my eyes became heavy and I dozed off, darkness overcoming me.

"JOANNE! GIVE THAT BACK NOW!" i heard my stepdad Jack shout at Joanne from the other room. I was so scared everytime Jack was like this. It didnt take many drinks for him to become angry. "Jack Please! Listen to me. She needs to know!"

"You can't take her away from me! She is my stepdaughter!" Jack shouted. I couldn't bare to listen to them argue, however my curiosity got the better of me and I slowly got out of my room and crept to theirs. I stopped midway, and I could see shadows of people arguing and the lights on.

"She is no daughter of yours. Nor stepdaughter. You don't deserve her. You don't deserve me! I don't know why I married you!" I heard Joanne say. I have never heard her get so angry and speak like that to anyone. I slowly turned around and peeped thorugh the door. My eyes widned by what I saw. Jack had Joanne pinned up against the wall. One hand was gripped around her neck while the other had an empty bottle. My eyes started to well up by how violent he was being towards her. I was terrified.

"You are not giving it to her and thats final. That letter will stay with me. She doesn't need to know anything about her parents! This is MY choice and you will do as I say!" He growled as he grabbed the letter out of her hands.

"Your not in charge of me! You can get out the house for all I care. But she has the right to know."

"I do not tolerate this kind of attitude in this house! Do you understand me!" He smashed the bottle on the wall, causing it to break. I gasped while Joanne started to cry silently. Something caught my eye on Joanne's wrist. A braclet. It had different charms but I couldn't excatly make out. One however did stand out. The letter J. I was quickly startled by more shouting from Jack. I couldn't bare to look anymore. I turned around and began to go back to my room tears continously rolling down my cheeks. Suddenly a loud peircing scream ran through me, sending a large chill down my spine. It made me stop in my tracks. I turned around and sprinted back into the room. On the floor I found an envelope which looked very familiar. I picked it up from the floor and looked at it. A tear dropped on to it causing it to leave a small stain. I looked up and saw Joanne looking at me solemnly, while she sat leaning against the wall, weak. Only then did i realise that she was bleeding. I looked at Jack who was facing the wall leaning against it, bashing his hand repetedly on it. My sadness instantly turned into anger.

"No!" I screamed. Jack loooked up and saw me with rage. "How could you do this! I HATE YOU!" I screamed I was in the room now.

"Get back to bed young lady" He said in a stern voice. I ignored him and ran to Joanne.

"I am so sorry" i cried.

"Sweetie, None of this is your fault." She replied, with a sad smile. I could see her in pain as she continued to bleed.

"I'll call the police" I said in a panic.

"You will do no such thing! I told you to get to bed NOW!" Jack yelled, whilst grabbing me from me behind.

"GET OFF ME!" i screamed while trying to set myself free from his tight grip. Luckily I kicked him, making him realease his grip and went back to Joanne.

"I can't believe he would do this to you! " I said. "I'm sorry. I' really am."

"It's okay. None of this is your fault. But I want you to promise me something."

"Anything" I said while trying to comfort her. "Open and read the letter before it's too late." I nodded, though I was confused as to why this letter was so Important. Suddenly I felt hands on my back and I was lifted off the ground.

"Jack put her down!" Joanne tried to yell though it was more of a whisper. I struggled to get out of his hold on me, while he tried to drag me out of the room.

Suddenly I felt my feet back on the ground. I was too busy trying to hear what Joanne was telling me instead of looking behind to see where Jack was.

"Elissa, remember what I to-"

Silence was next. I was shocked and confused at first. But then it hit me. It all happened so fast yet It was as if time had slowed down. I looked back and forth from Jack to Joanne until I finally realised what happened. I looked beside me and saw Jack had thrown a peice of glass at Joanne from the broken bottle he had smashed earlier. It had slit the side of her neck.

"Oh my God." were the first three words I could just about say. I felt a mixture of emotions. But Anger and fear stood out the most. My hear began banging in my chest like a drum being bashed, repetedly. There was no reason for him to have done this. A mixture of questions came into my head. Like why did he do this? What has she ever done to deserve this? why couldn't this have been me? I was speechless, but without warning I charged up to him and I let out all the anger I had onto him.

"How could you do this?!" I screamed in his face whilst punching him. "You will pay! You don't deserve to Live! I HATE YOU! " I kept repeating that over and over again. He grabbed my arm and twisted it which made me groan in pain. He abruptly snatched the letter out of my hand. I saw In the corner of my eye that a large peice of glass was beside me that Jack was holding onto earlier. I kicked him and grabbed the glass. Without hesitation and with all my strength i wacked him as hard as I could which knocked him unconcious. I waited a few moments to catch my breath before dropping the glass onto the ground. My heartbeat decreased slightly but my legs felt like they were going to give in. I went up to Joanne and fell to my knees and burst out crying.

"I'm so sorry Joanne!" I cried. But no repsonse came out of her. I went close up to check her pulse. Nothing. No sign of her breathing. She was gone. "No" I said, horrorstruck, while i sobbed into her lifeless body. Suddenly, I let out a defeaning screech.

"Elissa?" I suddenly heard.

I felt arms around me and someone stroking my hair, which stopped me from screaming almost straight away, but I was too frightened to open my eyes. I could feel their warm breath against my hair. I finally opened my eyes. After coming to my senses, I instantly got up and Inhaled deeply. Beads of sweat covered my face. I tried to catch my breath, when I felt a hand touch my shoulders and it caused me to shiver.

"Hey, Calm down" I heard a familiar voice say.

I turned around and saw Dylan next to me. He looked at me, worriedly. I realised that tears were still falling down on my cheeks and only then did I notice that this was all a nightmare.

I was shaking violently, but not for long as I felt hands being wrapped around me and my face was buried in someones warm top. "Shh, it's ok Elissa. Your alright." I heard Dylan say while he hugged me and stroked the back of my head. We sat there in silence for a while, until the door burst open. We instantly pulled apart and I wiped my tears.

"What's going...Is everything alright I heard screaming. Elissa why are you crying?" I could see Norman looking worried. I stayed silent.

" Wait, why are you two-" He got cut off by Dylan.

"Norman, just go please." He said in a stern voice. He nodded silently and closed the door. Dylan's arms were wrapped around me again. I could hear his heartbeat, against my ear.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks not taking his arms off me.

"Not now" I replied, still shaken about what just happened. He just stayed silent and continued to hold me.

All of a sudden without delay, I pulled away. Dylan looked at me puzzled. "What is it?" he asked baffled by my reaction.

"I have to do something" I said, getting off the bed and walking towards the door.

"Wait, Elissa? What is it?" He asked with a concerned look on his face.

I opened the door and stopped at my tracks. I turned around and sighed.

"I'm going to read the letter my step-mom gave me." I said and turned around and walked off. "Before I'ts too late."

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