Chapter 17

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I sat there stunned as I watched Dylan while he explained to me what happened. Everything came to me as a shock but now everything was starting to piece together and made some sense. That didn't mean however I was okay with him. I was far from being fine with Norman. After what he did to me regardless of him being unaware I wasn't going trust Norman with the click of my fingers.

"'s like he had some sort of blackout?" I said making sure I was on the same page as Dylan.

"Yeah, you could say that. The first time it happened I didn't really think anything much of it, though it did confuse me somewhat." Dylan replied. I decided to push it slightly since I could sense something else was on his mind.

"When was the first time it happened?" I watched as Dylan tried to reiterate the day it first started.

"When he tried to kill me with a meat tenderiser"

Unexpectedly a slight laughter had slipped out of me which had startled him. I don't know what made me laugh, the fact he burst out with something so random, or because it sounded slightly unrealistic. Well for me anyway. He watched me, no sort of positive emotion forming on his face. He didn't laugh or smile, or tried to hide the fact that it could have been a joke. My laughter instantly stopped and my smile faded.

"You can't be serious...your kidding right?" Again, silence as he studied me before slightly shaking his head. After realising that he was indeed being serious, I slightly felt bad for laughing in his face.


"It's fine." He replied.

"So...uhm why on earth would he try and kill you with a meat tenderiser?" I said still trying to believe it.

"Well, when he found out that I have Norma on my phone as 'the whore' he completely lost it. He tried to attack me so I fought back and I told him not to come at me again. And he did with a meat tenderiser. He almost whacked me with it but I caught him, and beat the hell out of him."

He paused for a breather while I tried to process what he was telling me. I looked at him in disbelief.

"I didn't speak to him for some time. I came home late from work one night found him awake, watching TV. That's when I found out he came back from the hospital because he fainted at school. We spoke and I brought up the fight we had and he denied it. He said that he never tried to kill me. It freaked me out I thought I was going insane, for a moment. He thought I was making it up!"

"Wow." Was all I could manage to say, since I myself was speechless.

"To be honest I didn't think anything much of it, after all he fainted at school, maybe it jolted his memory or something. But now with his father...and what he did to you...which I am so sorry about." He grabbed me and pulled me into an embrace. It was unexpected but I wrapped my arms around him and used all my strength to hug him back.

"It wasn't your fault Dylan, it' okay."

"It was and it still is. I could have stopped it...and you wouldn't even be in this situation right now." I broke our cuddle apart and looked up at him.

"Dylan, It's okay I'm okay. I'm here...were talking. That's all that matters." He gave me a sad smile before looking down at his feet. His sadness had turned to frustration and anger.

"I swear it's that sick twisted mother of mine. It's all her fault. She's to blame. If Norman didn't live with her in the first place he wouldn't even be going through all of this. If only he didn't live with her." I watched as he was in deep thinking. He immediately looked up at me which alarmed me slightly. He had an Idea but I was unable to tell whether I would like it or not.

Lies and secrets (Bates motel)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz