The Wish

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Two months ago. . . That's when this all started. It was kinda funny how I found out if I'm being completely honest with you. I went to the doctors for a routine checkup, because I had gotten my scoliosis corrected about a year ago and they needed an X-Ray to make sure everything was healing properly. Turns out everything was healing just fine. . . Except for the fact that my bones were riddled with tumors.

Cancer. They told me it was quite advanced too. Great timing right? I'm 18, fresh out of high school and now I have bone cancer! I'm not that upset though I mean it's not like anyone will miss me. My mom died when I was 16 and I haven't seen my dead beat father since I was 6. Anyway. . . It doesn't matter how I got here, or what happened in my life before this. All that matters is that I'm dying, that's that.


One of the nurses came in to change my I.V, this girl must be new because I've been here for quite some time and I've never seen her before. I study her light brown hair swaying back and forth across the nape of her neck she walks around my bed.

"Hello Parker. How are you feeling today?" Her voice is happy, but not genuine happiness, she's just trying to make me feel happy. But that's impossible.

"Okay, I guess. . ." I mutter, scratching at the surgical tape on my hand. The truth is, I'm miserable. Every day in here is hell, it's all the same, never changing. I wake up, a nurse changes my I.V, I go for a walk around the hospital, then go back to my room until it's time for chemo. It's agonizingly boring and depressing. Everyone in this place hates their life, what I wouldn't give for just one real friend now a days.
The nurse looks down at me with a sad smile. I hate it when the do that.

" Well I'm sure things will get better" she chirped as she walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.

"Ha, yeah. I wish" I whispered to my self as I pulled out my favorite book attempting to block out the rest of the world.

I must have fallen asleep because I awoke to someone knocking on the door to my room. I set my book on the night stand and sat up, trying to look as presentable as possible.

"Come in." I yelled as best I could with my hoarse throat.

The door opened and a rather tall well dressed woman walked in and sat in the chair next to my bed. Great another new person, what do they wanna know this time.

"Hello my name is Ashley, and I'd like to talk to you about something." The woman stated as she searched for a pen in her bag.

" And what might that something be?" I eyed her suspiciously.

"I'm from the Make-A-Wish foundation" she smiled.

"Isn't that for little kids?"

"Well, yes. And I know you're 18 but we figured, considering your circumstance that you might want to go out and do something fun, ya know?" She smiled at me again, doodling on the corner of her notepad.

I hate how these people never use the word death, or dying. They always say "the circumstances" or something like that. Just say I'm dying, it's not like I don't already know. It's not like if you say the word death, everything's going to suddenly fall apart and my bubble of ignorance will burst. I know I'm going to die, so just say it.

" So I get a wish right? Like anything I want?" I questioned

"Well I mean you can't go to the moon, but other then that yes."

I looked around my room and thought about what I wanted. Me eyes landed on a poster in the far corner, it was the signed Fall Out Boy poster my friend got me for my 17th birthday. I've always wanted to see them in concert, I almost did too but then my mom got sick and I had to sell my tickets. I turned my attention back to Ashley who was patiently awaiting my answer.

"Um, okay so you know the band Fall Out Boy?" I nervously twiddled my thumbs.

"I've heard of them, yes. Do you want to see them in concert?" She started scribbling words on her note pad.

" Well yeah. . . But. Um. . I really like the lead singer, Patrick. He's like my idol, ya know? And I was wondering if there was anyway I could like hang out with him? Like just for a day. I don't know if that's even possible, but if there was one thing I could do before I die, it would be to spend a day with him." I don't even know if she can make that happen but I figured it wouldn't hurt to ask. God I feel like such an idiot, I'm never going to meet him. . .why would I ask such a stupid thing?!

She finished writing in her pad and looked up at me " I'm sure we can make that happen Parker. Don't you worry!" She smiled, and it felt genuine. Which made me smile.

Maybe things were going to get better. . . Just maybe. . .

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