The story begins...

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Chapter 1:

Completely normal as she is a world-known artist. Married with Jay-Z, notorious rapper and expecting their first newborn baby girl on the way.

Starting the story...

Our beloved Bey was in the middle of a concert. Everything was going great until suddenly, her whole body froze. No words were coming out of her mouth. The whole crowd went silent. The music stopped.

Suddenly... Everything went black. Beyoncé couldn't see, she did not understand a single thing that was going on around her.

Beyoncé's POV:

What's happening? Am I having a seizure or something? Am I going to be okay? Am I dying? My baby... My baby... (Suddenly everything went silent.)

Chapter 2:


A few hours later Beyoncé woke up in a hospital bed where she saw her husband. She was frightened for she did not know what had happened.

Jay-Z: She's waking up. Nurse, call the doctor. Baby... Bey, how you feeling?

Beyoncé: What happened? Why am I in the hospital? The baby Jay, the baby...

Jay-Z: Take it easy Bey. The doctor is coming to check on you. You fainted at the concert and we took you to the hospital right away. You've been asleep for 13 hours. We were so worried aut you. Your mom is on a plane on her way.

Beyoncé: Mom knows about this? Why did I faint? I felt fine during the concert. I thought I had some bad shrimp from before because my stomach was feeling kind of funny, but it was gone by the time I hit the stage.

Jay-Z: Well, I had the doctor run all kinds of tests to see if anything was wrong. I also had him check the baby, to see if anything happened—

Beyoncé: The baby... Oh my God, my baby. I hope she's okay. I wouldn't know what I would do if—

The doctor enters the room. Everything goes silent but he tries to break it off with a not so comforting smile that lead Bey to believe that something was not right.

Dr. Stern: Hello there, Mrs. Carter, I am Dr. Stern, how are you feeling?

Beyoncé: I'm feeling better doctor, I really don't know what happened to me last night. Am I going to be okay? Is my baby going to be okay?

She firmly grasped Jay-Z's hand in order to find comfort. Her hopes were starting to grow since she her husband gave her a reassuring look as if everything were to be okay.

Dr. Stern: Well... You turned out to be all right, your vitals are looking good and your recovery is looking well but, your baby...

She tightened her grasp on her husband's hand. She grew tense at the suspenseful pause.

Chapter 3:

Dr. Stern: You had a miscarriage Mrs. Carter, I am very sorry for your loss. We couldn't do anything to recover the baby's life. It had already deceased since you had arrived at the hospital. That was the reason for you loss of conscience during your performance.

Silence grew while Beyoncé's eyes filled with tears as she had a fixated look on her slight bump where her dead baby rested. She was silent.

Dr. Stern: I'll leave you two alone to let the information sink in...

Jay-Z couldn't believe what he just heard. He was about to break out in tears and weeps but he saw Beyoncé so still that it made him wonder what was going through her head.

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