Thanks/ Acknowledgements :)

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Firstly, to RobotsWillCry, for taking a chance on TheOldKiwi (and it’s turned out pretty damn good, wouldn’t you say?) [pretty damn well; don't make me edit your thanks too!], for editing, for keeping things realistic (although I still think we should have listened to the hat regarding who should have won…) and for the countless late night conversations about life, the universe and everything…

Secondly, to TheOldKiwi, for unknowingly giving me such a hard time with what to write here; I don't know where to start. Erm...okay, this was his idea to start with. So thank him (or yell at him) for all that. Personally, thanks for allowing me to tear your chapters to shreds, for just being yourself, and for always being there. And for putting up with me, of course, even when it hasn't been easy. Especially when it hasn't been easy. Here's to the future!

To our tributes, who gave us such great source material to work with and put up with our outrageous amount of creative licence…

Ruby Gallen –IwaspromisedCake

Austen Hughes – BounceTL

Vasilissa Mara [is that spelt right?]– LunaSierra

Basilius Mara – HeadOnJackwards

Abigail Handlind – SwimmingInChocolate

Connor Stanfield – TheDarkHorse

Star Paragon – TheBlacklistStar

Ryan Tigulier – MasterOfTheHouse

Carmen Vestas – RobotsWillCry

Tyrion Valinor - Ereithial2

Nova Green – PlayingtheCards

Benji Star – CrocodileRocker

Jolie De’Luwa – Olathe

Dalton West - BounceTL

Cassidy Fairchild – Always_Real

Sokka Sith - MrHappyFace

Ellie Flaxseed – RedTears

Thom Baker – KingofLimbs

Dawn Janus – UsernameNotFound

Byron Cault – TheOldKiwi

Eden Aster – inyourdreamshobbit

Cruz Ledger - BounceTL

Oswin Moledy - _justcloseyoureyes_

Nash Derrah – nashderrah


And now – the specifics!

To TheDarkHorse for commenting on most, if not every chapter (I was too lazy to check them all) and for actually saying WHAT he liked or didn’t like about each one, despite dying in the bloodbath; to CrocodileRocker for being one of the most confusing contributors to the commentary [and for the dreadful puns, some of which were actually chuckle-worthy]; to _justcloseyoureyes_ for giving Oswin such a great token and for her wonderful P&P themed comments (and for surviving the parade without falling under the chariot); to Olathe for our wonderful cover; toSwimmingInChocolate for the cow torch and making it to the final four, and for her crazy, hyperactive and generally fantastic comments; to MasterOfTheHouse for giving us Ryan, who was so much fun to write (better luck with the shells and bubbles next time, eh? [save us the trauma, Ty, and don't encourage him]); to Lancelot7777 for KEEP IT UP; to inyourdreamshobbit, who’s username always makes me smile, for her overwrought comments and general abuse; to RedTears, for being generally nuts and the most awesome little sister two co-writers could want.

Also, I think Ereithial2 deserves a mention for never complaining about just how inaccurately we were portraying his heart condition…

To Brian Crain, Mumford and Sons, Beethoven, Lindsey Stirling and everyone else who ever wrote a song that helped inspire events in this tale….

To Suzanne Collins, for the premise, without which this story would not have existed…

Lastly – to all our readers, who stuck with us all the way through. Thank you for your patience (eight months later, we’re finally done), for your support and for giving us a reason to keep going. Thanks to everyone who read, commented, yelled at us, moaned about what we made happen, laughed, cried, shook…[mostly cried and shook by the sounds of it] you are all fantastic, and generally AWESOME. Stay that way. That goes for anyone we should have mentioned here and failed to…we promise, it’s nothing personal!

[insert odds quote HERE]


Robots and Ty

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