[HC] Katie and Seamus - Caught

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Katie and Seamus written 9/8/2013

Seamus watched from a distance as Katie practiced for the upcoming Quidditch match against Hufflepuff. He loved how she glided through the air like an angelic bird of paradise. His stomach gave a flutter when she caught his eye. His felt his cheeks go bright red, he didn't want her to catch him looking. He had always liked her but couldn't find the right words to tell her. As he walked back up towards the castle a little while later, he heard small footsteps behind him. 'Hey Seamus, wait up.' He heard Katie call from behind him. He turned slowly to face her. 'What did you think? Did we do good?' She smiled softly. Seamus struggled to speak but eventually managed a small grunt and a nod. Katie laughed 'I know why you were really there.' Seamus' eyes opened wide, she has sussed him out, he began to feel embarrassed. 'I love how your cheeks go red whenever you see me.' Her lips curled into the most beautiful of smiles. She took a step forwards and placed them gently upon his. His heart exploded within him, he had been wanting this for a long time. When she pulled away his smile now matched hers. They stood for a moment, staring lovingly at the other.

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