Chapter Twelve ~ The Proposals.

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"James, are you sure? Can't we wait until the movie comes out on DVD?" Chloe asked, looking over to James who sat next to her in the drivers seat.

"Yes, I'm sure. We haven't had any time alone since we had Jay and plus Alfie is always calling to ask when he could spend time with him, it's a win, win situation!"

"But It'll be the first time we leave him since we had him."

"Don't you trust Alfie with Jay?" James asked, taking a glance at his worrying girlfriend beside him.

"Well yes-"

"Then, he'll be fine. If anything does happen Alfie will be able to sort it or he'll call us, okay?" James reassured.


A short five minutes later, Chloe and James arrived at Alfie's apartment which he shared with his best friend and youtuber Caspar Lee. Chloe unbuckled Jaydon's car seat from the back seat as James grabbed the baby bags from the boot of their white Audi A5 before they both made their way up to Alfie's apartment on the top floor.

Once reaching Alfie's apartment James knocked on the door exactly seven times in a pattern. In a instant the door swung open and a wide grinning Alfie was revealed, beckoning them into the apartment. Chloe placed Jaydon's car seat down onto the dinning room table seconds before Caspar came running in, instantly in front of the babbling baby, fussing around with him and making him giggle uncontrollably.

"He's adorable!" Caspar exclaimed, making both Chloe and James both chuckle.

"Okay, well we better go or we'll be late to the film. If anything happens, call me or James. Everything you need is in the b-"

"I think I can look after a baby, Chloe." Alfie interrupted Chloe, chuckling slightly.

"I'm just saying everything is in the b-"

"Chloe, go!" Caspar ordered in a playful way making Chloe roll her eyes.

"Okay okay! Bye, see you in about two hours!"

James and Chloe bid their farewells and started their short ten minute journey to the nearest cinema where they had booked to see 'Despicable Me 2'. After purchasing their popcorn, drinks and other snacks they made their way to Screen 14 where the movie was going to played.

The couple find their seats in the middle row of the cinema, right next to the aisle (which Chloe was very pleased at). The adverts soon started and already their snacks were already half eaten.

"From the makers of The Last Song, The Lucky One, Dear John and The Notebook comes a new tale unlike many others. Forever Be Mine brings a new sense of love to the old perspective of love at first sight when two unsuspecting victims of love bump into each other in a university music classroom where James and his band were practising their new Youtube cover."

"Wait what?" Chloe asked, looking over to James who's eyes were glued onto the massive cinema screen watching as home video's of Chloe and James flashed onto the screen before fading off after they finished.

"I love you, Chloe. You're my everything and how ever cliché that may sound I don't care because it's true. You've given me so many amazing things such as Jaydon, an amazing girlfriend and just a perfect relationship. I couldn't ask any more except maybe will you Forever Be Mine and marry me?" A video of James down on one knee holding a beautiful silver diamond engagement ring in a navy velvet box spoke.

"So will you?" James spoke from beside her.

She looked at where James previously sat to see him now on one knee holding the exact same box and ring that was on the video.

"Yes!" Chloe exclaimed, a wide grin painting her lips as James slipped the ring onto her left hand. "I love you too by the way."

Meanwhile, in a car driving to 'The Wanted house' Shannon was forever babbling on about the reasons they shouldn't leave Savannah with her brother and his band mates.

"I don't think any of them know how to look after a baby and also it'll be the first time we'll be leaving Savannah with someone else. Couldn't we go when Savannah is older so we can take her with us?"

"Shann, sweetheart, Nathan practically begged me to let him look after Savannah while I take you somewhere so yeah and Kelsey and Naresha will be there too so don't worry, sweetheart."  Brad reassured Shannon.

"But, what if something ha-"

"Then they have are numbers, our parents and their own. They'll be perfectly fine!"

"Okay, okay! Fine!"

Minutes later Brad and Shannon arrived at the huge house and parked on the drive where Shannon got Savannah's car seat out of the back while Brad grabbed the baby bag before they both walked up to the house where Brad knocked the door multiple times in a pattern.

"Shann! Brad! Come in! Just place Savannah on the coffee table." Nathan instructed as he lead the three into the noisy house.

"GUYS, SHUT UP! SHANN AND BRAD ARE HERE!" Nathan bellowed over the loud talking of the other members of The Wanted and Kelsey and Naresha.

Shannon placed Savannah down on the coffee table where she was instantly being fussed over by Siva and Naresha.

"Okay, so everything you need is in the bag and if anything goes wrong call me or Br-"

"Shh, I know, I know! Now go and have some time alone while I have some time with my niece! Byeee!" Nathan interrupted with a chuckle, gently pushing Shannon out of the door as she continued to forever ramble about what to do.

"Fine, Bye! We'll be back about six!" Shannon shouted as she got into the passenger seat of hers and Brad's red Audi TT

Half an hour later Shannon and Brad arrived at Thorpe Park, bringing back vivid memories for the two. The whole day was spent riding all the different roller coasters, taking pictures and videos and playing on the games where Brad won Shannon a large stuffed teddy dressed as Superman.

"Stand here." Brad instructed Shannon before walking off somewhere and returning with a guitar and a microphone on a stand.

The familiar chords of 'Marry You' by Bruno Mars were soon echoing across the whole park as Brad began to sing while gradually more and more people began to dance around in a flash mob.

"What the...?" Shannon mumbled, confused as Brad passed his guitar to a random dancer before unhooking the microphone off the stand. Walking over to Shannon, he stopped right in front of her and got down on one knee and pulled out a pink satin ring box with a beautiful gold rose quartz engagement ring inside.

"Is it the look in your eyes or is it this dancing juice? Who cares baby, I think I wanna marry you." Brad sang before saying; "So, Shann, will you marry me and make me the happiest man alive?"

"Of course!" Shannon exclaimed, tears threatening to spill as Brad slipped the beautiful ring onto her finger. "I love you."

"I love you too" Brad replied with a small kiss.

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