Part 4 - Consequences

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"WELCOME!" Peter's voice blared out through the speakers. The crowd cheered excitedly. "Today we begin the double rounds! This should be exciting, I for one can't contain myself! I am reminded of a time when I-"

"Erm, yes, well Peter shall we begin?" Oobleck interrupted.

The screens, holographic projections floating in the middle of the stadium, begun to turn. The names and faces of the remaining combatants whizzed past as Oobleck once again explained the rules.

The first names stopped - Emerald Sustrai and Mercury Black - Cinder's teammates. The crowd cheered.

"Wow, just as you predicted..." John rubbed his eyes again and took a long gulp from his tea - attempting to sober up just in case he and Neri were called to fight.

Cinder leant her head on the cat's shoulder. "I'm always right".

"Emerald Sustrai and Mercury Black of Haven Academy!" Oobleck announced. The excitement of the crowd grew as the two hunters entered the arena.

The last two names finally stopped.

"Versus Coco Adel and Yatsuhashi Daichi of Beacon!" Oobleck read the names and smiled. Coco and her team, CFVY, were second year students. They were famous in Beacon and incredibly popular.

The leader, Coco, was the most fashionable girl in the school. Her brand name cocoa-coloured shirt and dark brown corset, with a black scarf, were very expensive. Her dark brown, almost black, trousers had golden stitching and went perfectly with her knee high leather boots. Finally black gloves, a black beret and black sunglasses finished the outfit. Her hair was short and brown, with a single wavy lock of hair hanging down her face which slowly transitioned from brown to orange.

The crowd cheered. Men wanted to be with her, women just wanted to be her. Coco was popular, but also strong. Her weapon of choice was a suitcase that could transform into a minigun. She had long belts of bullets dangling from her should and around her waist, ready to fuel her weapon.

Her teammate seemed completely opposite from her. Yatsu was not fashionable or cutting edge. He was a samurai that looked out of time. He wore green and brown garb with armour over his left shoulder and his wrists. His huge bronze sword, however, didn't really suit a samurai. But Yatsu was strong. Very strong.

It was clear who the crowd wanted to win.

"The selection is complete!" Peter yelled out through the speakers as the combatants stood opposite each other. "The doubles tournament will now..."

The crowds roared into life, their cheers were almost deafening.

"Ow..." John held his head. "... how are you not hungover Cindy?"

Cinder smiled weakly "I'm that awesome" she lied. She was very hungover. The screams of the crowd were causing her pain too. "Cindy...?" she thought. She smiled. For some reason she didn't mind it if he called her that.

The arena begun to move. This time each of the four sections were different. A savanna sat adjacent to a forest and ruined buildings. A rocky area with dust crystals and small amounts of water sat between the forest and ruins.

Coco lowered her sunglasses, with a hand on her hip, and laughed at Emerald. "Hey, love the outfit kid" her patronising tone wasn't met with the anger she expected.

Emerald just smiled and said "I'll try not to get blood on it".

Yatsu had been sitting on the floor, meditating. He slowly stood and drew his greatsword. "I can't promise you'll leave without a scratch..." his eyes narrowed on Mercury.

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