More Ridiculous Phobias

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Hi everyone! Since “Top 15 Most Ridiculous Phobias” was kinda popular I decided to post a part 2 and see what everyone thinks. I hope you enjoy!


1.      Hippopotomonstrousesquipedaliophobia- Long words

2.      Pastrophobia- Pie and Other Pastries

3.      Vestriophobia- Clothing

4.      Gamophobia- Marriage

5.      Linonophobia- Strings

6.      Euphobia- Hearing Good or Breaking News

7.      Epistemophobia- Knowledge

8.      Haphephobia- Being Touched

9.      Doraphobia- Touching Skin or Hair of Animal

10.  Panophobia- Fear of Everything

11.  Anuptaphobia- Staying Single

12.  Botanophobia- Plants

13.  Cardiophobia- The Heart

14.  Eicophobia- Home Surroundings

15.  Deipnophobia- Dining or Dinner Conversations

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