Top 15 Most Ridiculous Phobias

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Hi Everyone! I found a few of these phobias online, so I decided to make a list of the Top 15 Most Ridiculous Phobias! If anyone finds any other ridiculous phobias that i DON'T have on here then mention it at the bottom and I'll add them on! Thanks and I hope you get a laugh out of them!

Top 15 Most Ridiculous Phobias:

 1.      Papaphobia:  Fear of the Pope

2.      Arachibutyrophobia: Fear of Peanut Butter sticking to the roof of the mouth

3.      Richophobia:  Fear of Loose hairs

4.      Phronemophobia: Thinking

5.      Ephebiphobia: Fear of Teenagers

6.      Spectrophobia: Fear of Mirrors

7.      Phagophobia: Fear of Swallowing

8.      Ablutophobia: Fear of washing or bathing

9.      Anthophobia: Fear of Flowers

10.  Bogyphobia: Fear of The Bogeyman

11.  Chrometophobia: Fear of Money

12.  Xanthophobia: Fear of The Color Yellow

13.  Vitricophobia: Fear of Step-Fathers

14.  Schlionophobia: Fear of School

15.  Peladophobia: Fear of Bald People

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