Imagine #28 Damon

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He has to make you hate him to keep you safe.

Damon looked at you, his eyes searching your bruised face, your bloody clothes. You had gotten caught up in yet another battle of his, that had nothing to do with you. You were too good, too pure for this life that would eventually inevitably cause your demise. He walked towards you, silently giving you his blood. You watched your wounds heal and smiled softly.

"Thanks", you said. You went to kiss him, but he moved so you caught his cheek.

" God Y/N, don't pounce on me. Have some respect ", he said harshly. His nails fisted into his hand, scratching it roughly behind his back so he wouldn't wince as he looked at your face fall.

" Are you okay? ", you asked, standing up to face him.

" No. I want you to go", he said, swallowing the lump in his throat.

"What are you talking about?", you asked, grabbing his hand. He wrenched yours away.

" Y/N, you're so clingy. I'm done okay. It was fun for a while, the whole lost puppy thing. But now it's old. I don't want you here anymore", he said.

He watched as you, incredibly strong, beautiful you, who never showed any weakness, started getting watery eyes and a quivering lip. He watched as you quickly broke away from his gaze so he wouldn't witness the hurt you felt. His eyes closed as you looked away, so he could maintain his composure and keep up his act. Then he looked at you again with a cold, hard stare. You hugged yourself, finding the strenght to look at him.

"You're just... Tired. It was a long day. That's all this is. Right?", you asked, your hands shaking.

" No Y/N. You're not hearing me. I don't want you in my life anymore. I don't want to see you, I don't want to be anywhere near you. I don't want you, period", he said sharply.

You took a panicky breath. You needed him. He was the only thing that made you feel...whole. Happy. But he didn't want you. Looking into his cold eyes, you were unsure he ever did. You hugged yourself tighter, nodding as you looked at the ceiling to evaporate the tears forming in your eyes. Your eyes travelled to the picture of you and Damon that was taken only months ago. It captured a rare smile from Damon. Not a teasing smirk, but a genuinely happy smile. He hugged you, as you laughed. His eyes were full of love for you. What had happened? He followed your gaze. He walked towards the picture and picked it up.

"Don't. Damon, if you do it, I'll never forgive you", you said quietly. Damon bit his lip in pain. Then he cracked the frame, taking out the picture and throwing it into the fire. Your eyes closed as you watched your life go up in flames. You nodded, walking past him. You pushed into him roughly before walking out. He put his head against the wall, willing himself not to call you back, tell you the truth. And he didn't.
5 months later

You drove towards Damon's house, your head spinning. After moving away to escape everything, you had met Stefan. Who told you the truth. That Damon was sinking without you, that he only acted like that to protect you. And the second you discovered that, you rented a car to drive back to Mystic Falls.

As you got to his driveway, you ran up and opened the door, which was never locked. You walked in, seeing Damon lying on his bed with his eyes closed.

" I don't want another lecture Stefan ", he groaned.

" You think Stefan's the only one that can lecture you?", you asked, lying beside him. His eyes remained closed as his posture stiffened.


"I'm here to tell you what an idiot you are. Did you honesty think the whole being cruel to be kind thing would help me? Help us? Damon, the pain I've been feeling for the past 5 months is ten times more painful than any fight I've ever gotten caught up in", you told him. His eyes stayed closed.

" Me too. I am an idiot ", he admitted his voice exhausted.

" Did you mean those things you said? ", you asked quietly. Damon's eyes fluttered open, and his sat up, looking at you.

" I've never meant anything less in my life. I'm so sorry Y/N", he said shaking his head.

"It's okay. It's more than okay. I missed you so much", you told him. You stayed lying down, the tiredness of the last 5 months hitting you.

" I missed you more than you'll ever know ", he said, his voice breaking.

" I know ", you said gently. Damon lay back down, his hands going around your waist.

" I haven't been able to sleep without you", he whispered. He waited for an answer, but smiled into you hair when he realised you had already fallen asleep .

A/N:Hope you liked. Thanks for the request:)

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