Maree was one person who loved speaking in irony, not like other people who stick with pure and simple sarcasm- I don’t know... like everybody that had a normal functioning brain- no, she had to mix that said sarcasm up with a dose of uncomfortably described, sick and twisted irony; especially since she knew my passion and dreams of being an actress, she always chose her irony purposefully.

I watched her with hooded eyes. Her words stung. She was right of cause, she always is, the little witch, but I was not one to tell my little sister whenever she was right, especially if it was about my life.

Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate my sister; in fact she’s my best friend as annoyingly blunt as she is and most of the time the both of us are forever giggling around acting silly and getting ourselves into unmentionable awkward and crazy-as-hell situations where the other would have to rescue the one by doing equally awkward and crazy-as-hell unmentionables.

A memory of me calling her to come break me out of our older brother’s childhood-best-friend’s apartment flooded my head and I shuddered involuntarily. I had left with him in a drunken stupor after the celebratory party on the closing night of the small play I was proudly in... And no, I wasn’t the lead there either, but that was because the producer/director was the father of the girl who was...

Anyway Khalid had shown up to the show with his latest girlfriend and ended up leaving the party early to do God-only-knows-what with her while I sulked, miserably drinking my sorrows away. I ended up leaving with Trey for some reason, my brother and the rest of my family had all left straight after the show but Trey- being a hoe-bag wanted to stay and party up a storm with me and my colleagues aka sluty Leading Lady. I had woken up in absolute horror as I recognized the bedroom I had never imagined myself EVER waking up in. Silently, with the shock that had mixed with my hangover, I wobbled out of there as fast as I could!

The problem with that was that Trey had a mentally challenging apartment that was frighteningly difficult to get in and out of. I mean it’s especially difficult when you purposefully don’t want to wake up the guy who knew how to open his overly technically advanced apartment- I mean how awkward would that convo have been?! ‘Hey Trey? Yeah, you mind waking up and letting out your best friend’s little sister that you grew up with- the one you yourself treat like a little sister but creepily slept with last night? Yeah, she’d like to go home and try wash off the guilt of fucking her almost-brother now, please...’  Yeah, not very wise.

I had wondered around the place for a good 30 minutes trying to find a way out. The guy was an architect; clearly he liked bringing his work home with him! The door had a weird computerized contraption on it, the windows didn’t swing or slide open like normal peoples windows and there was no doggie flap I could crawl out of! I had given up and called my sister who is just 2 years younger than me and cannot ever be too thrilled at my unfortunate circumstances to not show up and laugh in my face.

We had tried so hard to keep our terror-filled giggles quiet as we knew Trey knowing Trey could wake up at any moment! With tears streaming down our faces from holding in all that insane laughter we managed to break me out through one of his complex windows, her from the outside and me, stuck like a jail-bird from the inside. We broke the damn thing by mistake through our tugging and probing! I didn’t give a damn though, I needed to get out and I was sure he would be thrilled at the opportunity of designing a new window! Win/win! As soon as I was free, we broke into a run for our lives while laughing like maniacs! I’ve been avoiding Trey- and my brother since!! My brother Thierry is the only person in the world who can never fooled by my lies or acting and I couldn’t risk him sniffing it out of me like the Hannibal Lecter that he is!

I shuddered at the thought of my older brother finding out! He would definitely break my balls if I had any!! ...My balls and my Adam’s apple for that matter, wait, maybe he would add shoving a foot up my ass like he kept promising his teammates from time to time!

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