Whole New World

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2065, on board Thunderbird 3B -

For a moment, Alan couldn't understand why he was being shaken around. Did he over sleep again? No, he had it would just be his shoulder or leg being shaken, not his whole body. Was Gordon messing with him again?

Wait a minute... weren't they going up to Thunderbird Five to see John- John! Suddenly memories came flooding back, and he forced himself awake. They where falling, and Thunderbird Three's systems where going haywire still, causing it to spin out of control. Glancing over at the co-pilots seat, he could see Virgil still sat, out cold, and he could hear John breathing behind him, raspy breath indicating a difficulty breathing, even with the re-breather Virgil had put on in place of the helmet as soon as they had gotten on board Thunderbird Three.

His brothers where in danger. It was all up to him now. Reaching out to the controls, he started a full systems re-boot to try and regain control of his 'bird. As time continued to go by and the re-boot slowly crawled along, panic began to build. He didn't know how fast they where falling, but depending on how long ago they had started to fall, it was a major possibility that Thunderbird Three had hit terminal velocity, and if so, or even if they hadn't yet, the impact would severely damage or completely destroy his 'bird, along with it's passengers and pilot.

A rush of relief filled him as the console lit up once more, readouts displaying on the screens. As soon as the consoles had lit up, he jerked the controls up, sharply pulling them out of a steep downwards incline. "Yes!" He exclaimed, a grin crossing his face despite the current situation, "Thunderbird Three is back online!" Pulling the rocket back up into the air, he finally looked up through the view port to see where they were.

Wait a minute... that's... that's Tracy Island. When did they re-enter the atmosphere? His thoughts went back to the unconscious astronaut in the back of the cockpit. If they re-entered without anyone at the controls, it would have been a lot worse than if Alan was in control. More than likely, it didn't do the middle child any favors regarding his condition.

Activating the radio, he cast one more concerned glance at the still unconscious Virgil in the co-pilots seat, and twisted around as much as he could in his harness to look at John briefly before clearing his throat.

"Thunderbird Three to Base, making final approach now, requesting landing permission." Silence. "Repeat, Thunderbird Three to Tracy Island, requesting landing permission." More silence. The blond was about to try again when the radio crackled, a tiny voice answering his calls.

"Permission g-granted Thunderbird Three. B-be careful, stay out of the v-villa." Stay out of the villa? Why did he need to stay out of their house? Did something happen while he was gone?

"...F.A.B. Tracy Island, coming in to land now. I really, really hope you got ahold of a hospital, because I lost control of Thunderbird Three on the way back, and lack of control, plus injured, plus re-entry, equals a very badly hurt John." He reported, not noticing the lack of a reply as he focused on getting Thunderbird Three docked and hidden away again. He gently maneuvered the rocket over to where the library was, and where 'Three's silo was hidden. As the littlest Tracy was starting the landing procedures, a groan caught his attention. He glanced over at the direction of where the sound had come from and noticed Virgil had finally started to come to.

"Hey Virge, we're back home. I'm bringing Thunderbird Three in now. Once we touch down, can you check on John? I don't think re-entry did him any favors.." He said, his voice much softer and quieter than would normally be expected of him. He heard Virgil give some kind of a response that sounded vaguely like a sure thing, and true to his word, as soon as the rocket had landed safely in the silo, the second eldest was out of his seat and at his brother's side. Alan shut down the 'bird and locked it's systems before bolting out of his bird and into the anger. The hanger had a different layout that he was used to, but he brushed it off, more concerned with finding Scott, or Gordon, or Brains, or just someone.

"Scott? Gordon?" He called, his voice echoing through the empty expanse of the hanger. Tugging off his helmet and setting it near the entrance to his 'bird's silo, he walked further into the massive room. "Brains? Grandma?... Kayo?... Anyone?" He bit his lip. Strange, someone had answered his call, but there seemed to be no one here. He was about to call out again, when a hand wrapped around his mouth to keep him from talking, and another tugged him backwards into the shadows.

"Don't. Say. Another. Word." The voice behind him sounded like someone his age, and Alan's eyes furrowed in confusion. Why would another teenager be down here..?

"Who are you, and why do you have Thunderbird Three?"


2065, in the ventilation system, fifteen minutes prior.

"Thunderbird Three's back? No way.. that can't be right." Alan's eyes furrowed, still tensed up and ready run at a moments notice. That was a good thing, because apparently tall, dark, and ugly didn't really care too much about the return of Thunderbird Three, and continued to advance on their position. Suddenly, a hand--more than likely belonging to said tall, dark, and ugly--burst through the ceiling to their hiding place, grabbing hold of Fermat's leg and preventing him from going anywhere. Thinking quick, Tin-Tin leaned down and bit the man's hand, causing his to let out a cry of pain and let go of the smaller boy's leg and allowing them to get out of there.

Quickly making a plan, they decided to jump down the shaft and go to the hanger, which from there they could escape the house. As soon as they were in the giant hanger that normally housed Thunderbird One through Four, the three raced for the silo that held Thunderbird One, but just before they got there the doors slammed shut, blocking them off. They then ran for Thunderbird Two, but the same thing happened, and with Thunderbird Two blocked off, Thunderbird Four was also inaccessible. Thunderbird Three's silo was left alone, as the rocket was currently in space with Thunderbird Five--or so they had thought, before the readings of Thunderbird Three returning had come in.

They were trapped.

Just as they were about to start panicking, the roaring of engines reached their ears, and their attention was brought to Thunderbird Three's sealed off silo. The sound of the rocket touching down sounded, echoing through the near empty expanse of the hanger. The door to the silo opened, exposing International Rescue's lone spaceship in all it's glory, aside from the dents, scratches and missing spots of bright red paint. A figure rushed out from the rocket, and for a moment Alan thought it might be one of his brothers, but as he stepped into the light it was apparent this kid--yes, kid, because he looked to be about Alan's age--wasn't one of his brothers.

The figure called out to... his brothers? Calling out to his eldest and immediate older brothers, before pausing and tugging his helmet off, then abandoning it by the entrance to the silo. Straight away, it was apparent that he couldn't be more than a year or two older than Alan himself. His blond hair, bleached a lighter color than his own by the sun, shined under the bright lights of the hanger, his bright blue eyes, much like his eldest brother Scott's were scanning the room. He was clad in some kind of powder blue and dark blue spacesuit, a light blue chest plate of sorts and a red sash on his chest, dark blue boots up to his knees, and blue gloves covering his hands, with a red strip on one of his gloves.

He called out again, this time calling out to Brains and.. Grandma? The fourteen year old frowned, watching as the kid with the red sash walked closer to where he, Tin-Tin, and Fermat where hiding. As soon as he was close enough, Alan reached out and pulled the kid closer to him, covering his mouth so that he couldn't cry out.

"Don't. Say. Another. Word." He demanded. Tin-Tin and Fermat gave him a look, to which he simply mouthed 'trust me.'

"Who are you, and why do you have Thunderbird Three?"


(And now the two have actually collided! This is when things start to get interesting--and somewhat confusing. With the two Alan's around, separating them is going to be pretty difficult. For the sake of my sanity, I'm probably going to start referring to movie Alan as 'Shepard', as that's Alan's middle name, and TAG Alan as just Alan, since he's the elder of the two at sixteen. Okay, it is currently almost midnight and I am sleepy as heckie so I'm gonna go pass out now. Hopefully chapter four will be out soon--I worked out about half of it during school, along with this whole chapter, so i'm hoping I get the other half worked out soon.


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