"I want to tell you the truth" H.S

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Harry's P.O.V
I sat down on my bed and thought about some stupid things, and one thing that i couldn't get out of my head... Katya. Should i call her? I don't even know if she would like to talk to me, maybe i should text her so it won't be awkward between us if we are talking. I took my phone from my besides table and texted katya.

'Hey i just wanted to tell you i'm sorry really sorry...'

I pressed sent and waited, 2 minutes later my phone buzzed.
It was a massage from katya

Its alright Harry it was mostly my fault i'm sorry

I smiled and send her a massage back.

Do you want to meet up in Starbucks to drink something? :)

Yeah sure i would love to.. When do you want to meet?

In an hour maybe is that alright? :)

Yeah that sounds good see ya..

Alright see you there and by the way you should use some emojis or smilies haha :)

I don't like using them see ya

I looked at the text and smiled, at least she is saying the truth. I got off of my bed and walked towards my bathroom, this apartment is nothing next to my house i hope katya will like it..

Katya's P.O.V

My phone buzzed again i opened it and saw it was another text from Harry

From: Harry
Alright see you there and by the way you should use some emojis or smilies haha :)

To: Harry
I don't like using them see ya

I wrote and put my phone aside and went to pick some clothes out. It was pretty cold out so i put some black skinny jeans and a black shirt i picked out a black jacket and some black boots basically my whole wardrobe is black. After changing i walked towards my full length mirror and looked at myself i thought it was fine i put some makeup on and put my hair in a ponytail. 'Yeah that looks fine' i told myself and took my bag, i took a granola bar and my car keys, my car wasn't the best car it was an old Volkswagen, this is one thing i was jealous about ariel she had a beautiful black range rover she got from her parents on her 16th birthday.
I took my apartment keys and walked out.
My drive to Starbucks was quite and nice, i walked in to Starbucks and waited for Harry. after five minutes Harry walked in with a huge bouquet of white and pink roses i smiled and stood up,he had all black clothing on and his face was covered with some sunglasses and a scarf that covered his jaw.

"This is for you.." Harry said and smiled at me

"WOW.. thank you" i said and smiled at him

"welcome" he said and sat down in the same table i was sitting in before

"i just wanted to say sorry" Harry said randomly

"I already told you its alright" i said and smiled at him

"so can i ask for something?" Harry asked

"yes sure" i smiled at him

"would you like to come to California LA with me?" Harry asked and i didn't know what to say

"um... Harry i don't know" i said quietly

"it's alright i have a house there and we can stay there just for a little bit" Harry said and he had a begging face on

"ok.. i will go with you" i said and smiled at Harry, he had a huge smile on his face

"alright because we are going tomorrow" Harry said

"oh alright i will have to start packing" i said and laughed a little

"alright we can go now and i will help you pack and then you can help me pack" Harry said with the same huge smile he had on before

"Alright lets go" i said and smiled at Harry

i took my bag and got up Harry took the huge flower bouquet and we headed out of Starbucks.


i took my keys out of my bag and opened my apartment's door

"come in" i said and smiled at Harry

"thank you" Harry said and put the huge bouquet of flowers in a vase with some water

"do you want to drink something?" i asked Harry

"i will get it, what do you want to drink?" Harry said

"black coffee please" i said and sat in the chair next to my little dining table

"alright how do you drink your coffee?" Harry asked me

"one sugar and 2 coffee tea spoons" i said and smiled at Harry

"alright" Harry said and smiled at me

after Harry gave me my coffee we sat down and talked about what happened

"so are we still together?" Harry asked

"w-we were together?" i asked Harry shocked

"i thought so.." Harry said and looked at me straight in the eyes

"you never asked me tho" i said and smiled at Harry

"do you want me to ask you?" Harry said and winked at me

"maybe" i said and giggled

"alright" Harry said and laughed, we sat down for about half an hour and then Harry got up

"do you want to watch a film?" Harry asked me

"yeah what film do you want to watch?" i asked and smiled at him, i never smile this much but Harry makes me smile i dont even know why

"i don't know lets watch something funny" Harry said and sat down on my sofa

"we can watch 'white chicks' if you want" i said and Harry nodded

"yeah that sounds good" Harry said and smiled at me


Harry's P.O.V

Katya fell asleep on my shoulder i didn't want to leave her on the sofa so i picket her up bridal style and went to her bedroom, she had jeans on so i took them off of her and put the blankets over her so she won't be cold until i'm coming in to the bed, i decided to sleep over her apartment.

i took my clothes off, i had just my underwear on, i put the blankets over me and got closer to Katya i put my arm over her and smiled then fell fast asleep...

i hope you guys like this chapter :) have an amazing day Xx

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⏰ Son güncelleme: Mar 04, 2016 ⏰

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