Chapter 2

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It was faint at first, a little buzzing noise in the back of my head. Then it grew louder and louder, flushing out my dream and forcing me to return to reality. I forced my eyes open.

His alarm clock was buzzing on the window sill. I stared across the room at it, debating on whether or not it was worth throwing my pillow across the room. My eyes shifted down to his body shifting in the covers. His arm reached up and slammed onto the alarm. It stopped. I sighed and pulled the covers over my head, hoping to get a few more minutes of shut eye.

I didn't get it.

He was up and wandering around in a matter of seconds.

"What are you doing?" I groaned.

"I couldn't get back to sleep," he whispered. I propped myself up on my arms and stared on him.

"Why are whispering?"

"Well, I was trying to be quiet." He shut the microwave door.

"Well, I'm up so it doesn't matter anymore." He looked over at me.

"You drool in your sleep."

"Were you watching me sleep?" I swung my legs over the side of the bed, standing up.

"No, you just have drool on your cheek." He pointed to his cheek. I quickly wiped my face, turning away from him. "Were you dreaming about me?

Cocky, much?

"Oh yeah, definitely," I reply, my voice heavy with sarcasm. He opened the microwave and took out a piece of pizza. "Are you eating that for breakfast?" He looked at me, shoving it into his mouth.

"Yeah." Pieces of pizza flung out of his mouth.

"Okay, you didn't have to answer me," I said, holding my hand up so that I didn't have to see him.

"Are you-"

"Chew and swallow." He chewed and swallowed his food dramatically before continuing to talk.

"Are you going to talk to the residential office today?" He looked down at the pizza, debating where to bite next.

"Yeah, you can come if you want."

"Well you know I have a lot of stuff to do with unpacking and-."

"Just say no." I rolled my eyes and he smiled dumbly at me.

"You and I are going to get along just fine." He walked past me, shoving the last bit of pizza into his mouth.

"Where are you going?"

"To do the stuff I was talking about." He left the room. A few seconds later, Jasmine peeked her head in.

"Soooo, how are you and hottie with a body?" She said, inviting herself in and climbing onto my bed.

"You mean Xavier?" I looked over to his side of the room. "He makes my OCD fly through the roof."

"But he's hot, that's all that matters." I got up and looked through my closet for something to wear.

"You can have him."

"Really?" She sat up suddenly excited.

"It's not like I wanted him, I mean come on Jasmine, look at him."

"I do, whenever I get the chance." I looked back at her, raising an eyebrow.

"I have to change." I grabbed my leggings and tank top and walked out of the room, Jasmine following close behind me.

"So what's he like?"

"I don't know." I walked into a bathroom, slipping into the first stall. She leaned against the door.

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