Tough love - Part two

Start from the beginning

"Why did you come to New Orleans?" he asked with a calm voice. The simple question surprised her and for a moment, she was confused.

"I already told you."

"The truth, Caroline. That was the deal."

"It was the truth."

"I want the whole truth." he told her and Caroline remembered the look on his face when she had told him that she only came for their help. She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose for a second.

"I came because I was tired of losing the people I love. I came because I couldn't think of any other way to solve this. And I came because of you." She finally sighed.

In that moment their waiter chose to interrupt as he took their empty wine bottle and offered a new one. Caroline accepted with a smile and kept her eyes on the waiter in an attempt to avoid Klaus. He was staring at her from the other side of the table, clearly irritated with the waiter. Caroline took a large sip of the wine that had been poured to her before she looked at Klaus again.

"I need a better answer, love." he said with a calm voice.

"I thought that's what you wanted to hear." Caroline said with her eyebrows raised and crossed arms.

"Trust me, it is. But I still need to know why." He was smiling at her with a glimpse in his eyes. He was enjoying this way too much.

"It's a long story."

"I have all night, love." Caroline caught the double meaning behind his words and rolled her eyes.

"I guess it started a few days after you left for New Orleans. We were trying to get Elena to turn back her emotions and I was heading for my car, when you were suddenly standing behind me. I thought it was you and we talked.

"The next thing I knew, I was pinned against a tree and Silas was asking me about Bonnie, still as you. Then he let me believe that he staked me and left. When I woke up, he reappeared again. You pushed me down some stairs. Well, not you, but you know... Then a couple of months ago you were standing right beside me, I mean Silas was. He didn't even pretend to be you this time. For some reason, he likes scaring me to death."

Caroline sighed and took another sip from her wine glass. Klaus didn't say a thing and was just waiting impatiently for her to continue. She had noticed how his body posture changed slightly, when she talked about what Silas had done to her, but that was all she got from him.

"Then... Then I began dreaming... about you. He made me dream about how you killed everyone I loved. It feels like I haven't slept for almost two months, except for the last days while I've been away from Silas. A week before I came to New Orleans, he arrived at the Lockwood Manor at night, while I was standing outside. Tyler threw a stake at him but Silas caught it and instead it went through me. Then, he turned into you and well... you kinda ripped out my heart.

"Except, it was all just a trick and he only snapped my neck. He came as you again the next day and then I got the idea. Silas always like to show just how much he's inside your head, so I thought about how he got inside yours. Would he be able to withstand three vampires, one hybrid and three Original vampires too? And of course the strongest witch blood-line in existence; the Bennett blood-line."

For some reason, Caroline's babbling had made him smile and Caroline felt a little offended. Was her master plan really that funny? She took a sip of her glass and suddenly noticed how much she had drunk. She was beginning to feel the alcohol but took another sip before placing the glass on the table.

"Why me, Caroline?" Klaus asked with a tentative voice. He was searching for her eyes but she just looked at something behind him.

"You only got one question."

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