Chapter 6

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I knock on the door to my wife's new house. I'm holding flowers and my special dessert that my kids just can't get enough of. The door flys open as my two boys pull it open.

"Dad!!" They shout when they see me.

"Hey you two. Are you behaving for your mom?" I ask but before they can answer I hear the voice of my wife.

"Do they ever behave?" She says. I look at her. I can tell that she took a shower and freshened up since seeing her this afternoon. She is wearing a gorgeous black and white stripped knee length dress and sandals. She looks absolutely gorgeous. She is barely wearing any makeup just the way I like my wife.

"Hey. Um I uh brought flowers and dessert."

She takes the flowers and smells them. "Pat these are gorgeous thank you."

"You're welcome." The boys run off to play as I walk inside. "Wow your house is gorgeous."

"Thanks. It feels like home." She says and that makes me hurt. "Minus you of course. You are the only component missing for it to really feel like home." I smile at that.

"Well it definitely felt like home when I walked in. Where's Talula?"

"Upstairs. She is still wary about you. Just try to be patient. She understands more then the boys do so it may take her awhile to open back up to you."

"Well I'll try my best."


"Dad dessert was good as always." Darby says as he scrapes up the last bit of food.

"I'm glad you liked it. I haven't made it in awhile and thought that it was time to bring it back out."

"May I please be excused." Talula says. This was the first thing I heard come out of her mouth.

"Sure." Says my wife giving me an apologetic look.

"Dad do you want to see my new pet gecko?" Asks Sullivan.

"Sure. After I help your mom with the dishes."


After the boys ask to be excused I stand up and start collecting the dishes and putting them in the sink. I fill the sink with water and soap and roll up my sleeves of my button down throwing a towel over my shoulder and grabbing the sponge. Halfway through washing dishes I feel two arms wrap around my waist. I bask in this feeling that I missed so much.

"Thank you." She says not letting any signs of letting go. "I'm sorry for Talula. I know it must be hard seeing your only daughter hate you."

"Yeah but I'm going to try and show her that I will be the dad she needs and show that we can all be a family again."

"We are taking small steps at a time and I am really thankful that you have come back. I missed you."

"I missed you all too." I say drying the last dish and placing it into the cupboard. I turn around in her arms and wrap my arms around her waist. "Tonight was really good and I'm so glad you are giving me a second chance after what I did to this family."

She looks up at me. She leans forward like she is about to kiss me but stops as she realizes that it is to soon.

"I should uh go see his new gecko." I say before leaving the kitchen trying to comprehend what just happened.

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