Chapter 8

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Baron covered his ears and winced as Muta dashed into the room. Toto was outside the window in a second and she quieted down.

"So, she didn't take it well, I assume, Baron?" Muta chuckled a bit.

"Muta, this is not something to laugh about! I'm a cat and I might be one for the rest of my life..." Layla started to sniffle and sob into her gloved hands.

Baron glared at the fat cat, causing him to shrug and move closer to the door. Toto, curious as to what is happening, pecked the window in and looked around.

"Baron, do you want Muta and I to speak with her?" He offered.

"You can try." Baron sighed and stood, walking upstairs.

Layla looked up at the two as they grinned between each other, like thee pair of friends they were.

"Alright, Chicky, listen up. What we are about to tell you, Baron can't know you know." Muta smile got bigger.

"We promise this information will cheer you right up." Toto chirped.

"Just tell me!" Layla snapped, not liking the suspense.

"Baron likes you." they said in sync.

She blushed and ducked under the covers to hide her smiling. As they took a minute for themselves to laugh.

"Awe, does the little kitty have a crush back?" Toto teased, taking a pillow to the beak.

"I think she does, birdbrain." Muta laughed before his face was covered in pillows.

"Both of you shush. He is a cat and cats hear well. He might hear you!" She whined and stayed in the safety of her covers.

"Chicky, you're a cat too. I think you two should now go hook up!" Muta smiled.

Layla looked to the door and ran from them, dashing up the short flight of stairs into the main room. She saw all the furniture and everything was the same, looking down, she noticed she was in a nightgown with gloves on. Slowly, and curiously, she tugged at the gloves and pulled them off.

Her hands were like a person's, only they had fur and little paw padding on the palm and trailing up the fingers. She dropped the glove in shock and just stared.

"Layla?" Baron looked at her and saw the glove was off. Stalking to her, he picked up the piece of fabric and handed it to her. "It's okay, my hand is like that too." he took off his glove and showed his hand.

She looked in shock and gently touched his hand with hers. "It feels funny."

"Everything will feel a bit different than how it feels with your human hands." he smiled reassuringly. "Now that you've started getting used to yourself, let's get you a home in the square?"

Layla nodded and walked outside, looking around at the homes. None looked as cozy as Baron's to her, but that's just because no one lives in them yet. The dark house in the shadows was the one she wanted to be furthest from, but it was next to Baron's humble little home.

"Any of them catch your eye, Miss Layla?" Baron looked at the houses, eyes lingering on the dark, empty home of Duke.

"I'm afraid not, Baron. Though I haven't seen the inside of them, so maybe I shouldn't judge them just yet." she smiled and walked to the house across from Baron's.

"This looks like a good place to start, we'll work our way around the circle. And if I haven't picked on by the end, you'll have to pick for me." Layla opened the doors to the little home and started poking about.

Several hours later, the two had looked in every home and Layla had found the perfect one. It was the house next to Baron's own, and was mainly red with white trimming, like a barn. She had moved in quickly, leaving Mr. Naski a note that she had found her own place and now that she was eighteen, she could live away from him.

"You have a particular taste, Miss Layla." Baron looked around at the furniture that was scattered throughout the room.

"Good particular or Bad particular?" she peeked in from her bedroom staircase.

"Odd particular." he smiled a little and looked at the books that lined the back wall along with a couple knick-nacks from Mr. Naski's shop.

"Then thank you." she smiled and walked into the room, making herself comfortable on the couch while he sat in a chair.

"Well, if you're all settled in, then I guess I better return to my own home." he stood, grabbing his coat and hat.

"Thank you for your help Baron." she smiled and grabbed a book from the table.

"You're welcome, Miss Layla." he nodded.


"Excuse me?" he halted his exit.

"You don't have to put Miss infront of my name every time. Just Layla. Call me that." She looked and smiled at his figure in the doorway.

"Well then, goodnight. Layla." he smiled a little, having to pause to remember to not say Miss.

"Baron wait, before you go there is something I feel you should know." she sighed a little.

"Oh?" he set his coat back on the hanger and sat down.

"I actually know my full name. I think I once had parents that used to love me, but all I can remember is my name." she frowned a little and put the book back.

"What might it be? I can tell Muta to keep an ear open for the name or such. Maybe we'll find your parents." he gently took her hand in his.

"Layla Luna Meow." she looked up at him, a small trail of tears sliding down her fur.

Baron imediatly stood and ran out the door, leaving behind his hat and jacket, and a broken hearted girl who began crying after he left. "Why would you think he would ever help you? Idiot." she sniffed and grabbed his jacket.

"I should go return this..." she began to get ready to go outside as lightening flashed, a storm rolling in.

The lights went out as she was left in the light of a single flame from her table candle. Her heating gone, she shivered and wrapped his jacket around herself. "In the morning I will."

She curled up on the couch, too exhausted to go downstairs to her bed and fell asleep.

The BaronessOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora