Chapter 7

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"Thank you for listening." Layla smiled, picking up her things.

"You're going so soon?" Duke frowned, his ears falling a bit.

"Yes, well I still have to speak to Baron about your issue with him. Beside, learning that your love and fiançe is gone the way he did must be hard." she sighed a little.

"Yes, well he needs to move on. Its time he put more time into growing up." Duke growled.

"Look who's talking! You meet your brother after being separated for years from him and the first thing you do is fight with him." Layla sets her bag down, shouting at Duke.

"Stop your yelling, insolent human! How was I to know he grew up!" Duke yelled back.

Layla picked him up by the scruff and glared him in the eye. "What did you call me?"

"You know? I'm tired of you thinking you're all that just because you're bigger than us." Duke squirmed and grabbed something from his pocket before throwing it on Layla, everything went black.

((Layla's POV))

I woke up on a soft bed. 'Ugg, it was just a dream.' I thought, rolling over in the covers.

Time seemed to drag on as I heard footsteps above me in the shop, probably people wanting to buy stuff and Mr. Naski saying that the price would be higher because it is a personal item. The old scam artist.

Sighing, I rolled back onto my back and relaxed there for a few minutes, debating whether to get up or pretend to stay asleep. My mind was made up as my eyes opened to see a canopy above me.

"Oh, my head." I groaned as the light sparked a headache and I started imagining things.

There was a canopy on my bed and the sheets were plush, soft and the best sheets I've ever been in. I felt a tugging on my hand and I looked to see that Baron was my size, holding my hand that had a glove on it. The figurine had fallen asleep while sitting on the chair, and it was a cute sight. Except he was my size, and he was in my room.

"Baron!" I whisper yelled.

He groaned and moved his head a little, throwing off his balance and causing him to fall. He let go of my hand and I drew it back to me quickly, pulling the covers up.

"What are you doing here? How are you my size?" I questioned.

"You are in my house. And it is quite the opposite, you are my size." he frowned, standing and brushing off his suit.

"No. That can't be. B-because if I was your size then I wouldn't be able to go home... I still am in school!" I started to have a panic attack and Baron quickly quieted me.

"Shhh..." he cooed, sitting on the bed. "It's alright. You just need to calm. Now, what I'm going to say might be a bit hard to swallow, but you need to know."

"What is it?" I squeaked out.

"My brother did something to you to make you smaller. But that wasn't the only affect." he grabbed a mirror on the bedside table.

I grabbed it out of his hands, expecting to see warts or stuff all over my face, but what I saw, shocked me. I had white fur lightly covering my face and a small nose like a cats. My ears had moved up and grown out, more like Baron's, and my face donned whiskers.

"We aren't sure if we can reverse what he did because he has disappeared. I haven't the slightest clue what to do. My books are only on what the humans know for sure of, not things like magic." Baron looked down.

I set the mirror in bed beside me and took his hand in mine gently. He turned his head to me and smiled a little.

I let out the most blood curling scream I could right then.

The Baronessحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن