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Amanda didn't have a phone, well phone service perhaps. She took a walk after she arrived at her aunts to pay her phone bill with the money she saved up. The first thing she did was text Anthony, in which he put his name as "Anthony pretty eyes" in her phone. Conversations were dull at first and he was always busy scooting or skating at the park. So Amanda payed no mind to it and continued to do as she did. There would be times where Amanda would consult Megan if she didn't know what to say or if Amanda didn't want to text like a formal English teacher and talk modern day slang. Sometimes Megan would just tell Amanda what to text because she didn't want Amanda to ruin what she set up for her. 

Around 7pm that night Amanda received a text that Anthony has gotten into a car accident. Amanda was freaking out and crying because she didn't want to lose some one else in her life, considering her grandmother just passed away a few months before. Amanda told Megan about the situation and she seemed genuinely concerned. Amanda told her that she was going to drink and Megan couldn't care less, so Amanda decided to turn to her old friend Jack. A bottle of Jack Daniels and two cans of Coke were brought up into Amanda's room. She poured a generous amount of Jack and a can of coke into her gold Starbucks tumbler. In about an hour the texts between Amanda and Anthony's friend who informed her of the accident, ceased and he was fine. At the same time, Amanda was flushed and on the border of alcohol poisoning. She was shivering and very delusional, typical drunk. Megan called Amanda while she was in the delusional phase, claiming she was hearing aliens because of the feedback from the phone background. Megan was frustrated with Amanda because she wouldn't calm down like she was suggesting, so she hung up. After 10 minutes of being hung up on Amanda threw up all of what she ingested. The vomit was black and Amanda almost blacked out. She sat on the bathroom floor crying asking herself what she was doing to herself. She washed her face, mouth washed and passed out. 

Weeks later Amanda found out that the whole "car accident" was just a test. Anthony said she didn't act accordingly and she just denied everything they said because they didn't know what she was going through. She just chose to cope differently then most people would have.

Days passed and Amanda got to know Anthony better through himself and Megan. Things were rough at first, mostly because Amanda found out almost everything Anthony said was a lie. Anthony also found that nearly everything Amanda said was a lie. A few days after they met Anthony began to show his controlling side. He would get mad at Amanda if she went somewhere without telling him and he never let her go anywhere, especially at night. However, Amanda didn't care, she went off with Megan one night to go up to the park to smoke a blunt on a playground. It was then that Anthony was calling Amanda to talk to her, but she refused to answer. He then began to call Megan and she finally answered after Amanda told her to tell him that she was asleep. She then pretended to wake me up saying that he wanted to talk to me. So Amanda put on a show, she sleepily answered his call and he was upset at her, as usual. Amanda was also upset, but her high will not be bothered by petty feelings; she quickly ended the conversation saying that she is tired and wants to go back to bed, so he let her. After she hung up her and Megan decided to go take a walk to the swings and swing for a while. Megan then confessed to Amanda that a majority of the things Anthony has told her were lies and Amanda was infuriated. She was on her high horse as she flamed him claiming that he didn't "deserve" her and that she was" too good for him." The park sprinklers turned on so they got off the swings and sat at a bench. Amanda smoked two cigarettes while Megan laughed at everything Amanda said about Anthony. It was around 11pm so they decided to head home. Amanda was very upset that night and she just wanted to sleep everything off.

July 9, five days after they met, Amanda and Anthony became a couple. It was a sudden relationship, but she didn't want to lose him. However, it was already foretold that their relationship would have problems because the basis of it was built on lust,lies and intoxication.

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