The Day after

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There was a bright white wall in front of Amanda and the room was illuminated with the summer sun. She turned around to find Anthony besides her. In slight shock, she was confused and embarrassed because she just woke up and probably didn't look as good as she wanted and her hygiene was at an all time low. This was a nightmare, everything was horrible Amanda didn't know what time it was and all she wanted was to go home. She had to use the restroom, but she was unsure of where it was so she laid back down. Anthony awoke and turned towards Amanda. 

"good morning" He sleepily said

"Morning. Did you sleep okay?" She questioned

"No, I didn't sleep." 

"Oh, I'm sorry. I um. I have to pee..." She said quietly

"The bathroom is right there." he motioned towards a door.

Amanda sat up and folded over because her back hurt and she was too lazy to get up. She waited about 5 minutes before she actually got up to use the restroom. She slid out of the bed and tip toed to the bathroom as she passed her sleeping sister. She closed the door and it echoed, it was a two way bathroom which had a separate door for the toilet and shower which was nice. Amanda used the restroom and then observed her surroundings. She looked in the mirror and hated what she saw, her makeup was basically gone except for some mascara, her hair was a mess and she did not smell appealing at all. She poked around in the medicine cabinet to maybe find something she could use to brush her teeth. There were about 20 used tooth brushes in a cup, three used bottles of Listerine and the cabinet looked displeasing. Anthony then walked into the bathroom startling her and catching her poke around in the medicine cabinet. She quickly closed it and pretended to fix her hair while he washed his hands off. Amanda then quickly exited the bathroom and laid back down. She was thinking, but all that crossed her mind was how her mother was going to be very upset and how late it was. I was 9am and Amanda was frantically waiting for her sister to wake up so they could leave. Anthony finally exited the restroom and he laid back down next to Amanda and they talked.

After a while Anthony would just stare at Amanda, he stared deep into her eyes and she fell madly in love with his green galaxies. She was waiting for him to kiss her because she could see it in his eyes, he wanted to. So, Amanda being the type she is, went for it. She kissed him, and he looked very surprised, she smiled and then laid on his chest. 

"Goals..." He whispered

Megan finally awoke and Amanda begged her for water. Amanda was so very dehydrated and could barley function. Soon everyone was awake and Megan and Amanda decided to go home. Anthony volunteered to walk them home because he said he lived up the street from them. Amanda asked how he knew where she lived and he said he walked a friend to her house once. At first Amanda thought it was odd that he knew where she lived, however she didn't mind.

It was a scorching hot summers day, at least a temperature of 100 Degrees. They began walking and Amanda could feel herself drenched in sweat and she began to get a little dizzy. The walk seemed to last forever, walking around in soggy day old clothes and worn out converse made everything worse. They were about a mile from home before Amanda threw up from dehydration. She was embarrassed and hated herself for doing that in front of someone she was crushing on. Anthony freaked out and told her to meet him at McDonalds and he would get her a drink. Amanda trudged on and her throat was bare and her saliva was sweet. Amanda walked into McDonalds and saw Megan sitting in the booth closest to the window, the same one they sat at the day before. Anthony came over and handed the drink to Amanda and forcefully told her to drink. Amanda didn't argue and graciously accepted. After she kept apologizing because she was flushed and didn't want Anthony to dislike her for it. Anthony assured her to stop and don't worry about it. Megan was anxious and just wanted to get home. After everyone finished the drink, they decided to continue walking. 

Amanda was quiet and also very anxious to get home. They finally arrived to the entrance of their apartment complex, Anthony said goodbye and took off. Amanda and Megan both ranted and raved about the day before as they walked home. Upon their return they found the house a mess and they knew they were in trouble. They both quietly showered and went to bed trying to avoid any punishment before they could sleep.

Later that day around 3pm their mother woke up screaming about them being irresponsible and that they should have known better. Their mother was especially disappointing in Amanda because she was suppose to be setting an example for her younger siblings not going along with their rebellious ideas. Their mother asked them where they went and why Megan was not answering her phone, Amanda and Megan looked at each other and they knew that was the sign to just go with whatever the other says. They created a story that they went to the park heard about a party and passed out there. At first they were frightful that their mother wouldn't buy into it, but she did. After the story was told Amanda was sent off to her aunts house because that is what their mother does whenever she does something wrong.

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