The Accidental Imprint

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Jasper's POV

During my time on this Earth, I have seen and done some deplorable things. Unspeakable things that most humans and monsters alike couldn't come back from. Once I found Alice, I promised myself I'd be better and encourage others to do the same. In being better, I made a conscious effort not to hurt anyone, unless I'm threatened first, of course, and again my goal was to encourage others to do the same. That's why I was out here in the forest at 3 AM looking for my "brother". It was time to end the madness. It was time for me to speak out and confront him.

I found Edward sitting in the forest. He hadn't been hunting; he actually looked as though he was waiting for me.

"I was," he answered my thoughts and stood upright.

"Say your piece, Jasper, so I can go about my night," he said dryly and crossed his arms.

"It's been eight years. Don't you think it's time you told them?" I asked, and he frowned.

"Why? We have maneuvered around our feelings quite well. Nobody has been harmed," he countered, and I'm sure I looked at him as though he were delusional. The dynamic of our household had changed. Everyone could operate a lot freer if he confessed.

"I have been harmed! I believe you two forget that I have been carrying this secret, too, for eight long years!" I shouted.

"Alice knows and she doesn't care as long as Bella is happy," Edward spouted. "Why do you?" He went to sit down again. He felt this conversation was pointless. He was bored and his indifference frustrated me to high hell.

"Edward, you aren't happy. Bella isn't happy. She most definitely isn't happy ... and there are other feelings. Other emotions surrounding your marriage. If you wish to salvage your marriage, you have to actually participate in it!" I took a breath. Finally after eight years I was able to tell him how I really felt about all his shit. His look was dry.

"Fuck you, Jasper," he murmured dryly as he began to walk away.

"Wow, I wasn't expecting profanity from the damn near perfect Edward Cullen; real mature," I blanched.

"I never said I was perfect. Don't jump on Emmett's bandwagon. I have been a loyal, dedicated husband and father. I have never cheated on my wife, and I have always been there for my daughter, and that's why I say fuck you to all your bull shit!" He shook his head and went to leave.

"You don't sleep with your wife," I countered, and he chuckled darkly.

"You don't sleep with yours, either," he answered.

"You know what I mean," I sighed. Maybe he was right. The conversation is pointless.

"I know I'm right. Look, my marital bed is none of your concern. Bella is satisfied ... I know she is being satisfied. My daughter is happy ... that's all that matters," Edward said solemnly.

"Renesmee is grown in all the ways it matters. You can be honest with everyone. Please!" I pleaded, and he glared at me. "You can't hide behind your daughter forever." Edward said nothing, he just walked away. It was the first time I actually viewed him as a coward. A real man would've done what's right by now. Instead, he allowed all the people he claimed to love live in this delusional hell.

Edward's POV

I rarely talked to her. We both understood it was best we keep our distance. However, Jasper had me worried, and she was the only one I could express my concern to. He was all on this confession is good for the soul kick, but in my mind there was nothing to confess. I had done nothing wrong. I felt as the earth rumbled beneath my feet as she approached. I took a deep breath to release the anxious energy she created within me. After a few moments, she appeared from the bushes. She wore an oversized white tee shirt and short dark denim jean shorts. She strolled towards me with her arms across her chest and a perturbed look on her face.

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