Chapter Four: Sandy Eyes

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A/N: above we have another photo taken on my own beach vacation last summer; unfortunately minus half the adventures Marlee has in her story. This is the view from the condo we  stayed in, and what I imagine Marlee sees outside their window. Isn't is breathtaking? Hope you like this chapter! I can't wait to hear from you guys. Your comments make my day! ♥ emily //  march 12, 2016 

THE BEACH WAS scattered with vacationers.

Situated sporadically across the sand in small setups of towels, tents, and colorful umbrellas, it was a beautiful sight. Country music blared from radios and iPhones stationed on towels or collapsible beach chairs. Squeals of kids and adults alike carried into the air on the wind, seagulls gliding over the waves.

Condensation dripped from cooler boxes in the blazing Florida sun. Sunscreen absorbed not just into my skin, but my clothes and hair - where it would stay for weeks after leaving Seaside.

It smelled like heaven. 

If heaven was sticky and humid and crowded with shirtless men and women in skimpy swimsuits. 

I shivered despite the heat, tightening my cotton cover-up across my bare shoulders and legs. I stood on the bottom wooden step, scanning the shore for the pink girl.

Shifting my sunglasses from the top of my head to the bridge of my nose, I kicked off my flip flops and took a step down, feet sinking in the sand. 

That's when my eyes landed on a girl with shoulder-length blonde pink-tipped hair, tossing a beach ball with a girl with long dark blue-tipped hair. Libby and Alex. Seeing them in the light of day - quite literally, I might add - let me see just how different the two looked. 

I let out a breath of relieved air - I had been worried I wouldn't find them. What if they'd been lying when they said they would be here today? What if they were just messing with me? They had probably decided not to hang out with me, after all.

But there they were. Two plastic chairs and a towel spread underneath a red-white-and-blue umbrella staked into the sand. It seemed like the perfect day to me. 

Taking a deep breath, I tightened my grip on the bag I'd brought with me - inside was tucked a towel, sunscreen, and a book. I had prepared myself to make a run for it back up the stairs and inside aunt Peggy's air-conditioned condo if Libby and Alex had bailed. I chided myself for being so insecure. 

Of course they want to hang out with you. You're not the outcast at school here. You're cute Marlee Haddix. Niece to hot Peggy Locke in Condo 32B. 

I swallowed and lifted my chin. I am cute Marlee Haddix, niece to hot Peggy Locke. Everybody wants to be friends with me. Tossing my hair in an effort to feel confident - how do girls do it properly? - the wind decided to blow in the opposite direction and my hair ended up clouding my eyes, resulting in a trip headfirst to the sand. 

"Ptthhsh-" I coughed and sputtered in the sand, resisting the urge to rub my stinging eyes with sandy hands. 

"Oh my god! Alex! Look, it's Marlee, from last night!" 

Well. At least they weren't the type of girls to completely ignore one such girl who happens to be the most uncoordinated person on the planet. 

"Marlee, are you - grab a water bottle, Al - are you okay? Oh, jeez, what did you do? Here-" 

I stumbled backwards as water was splashed into my eyes, blinding me further. 

"Oh my gosh!" Libby (I assumed it was Libby, though even the dyed hair had blurred at this point) squealed. She held my shoulders steady while Alex (again, assuming) dabbed at my eyes with what felt like a moist towel. 

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