Chapter Four

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Mika walked into music room three, a smile on her face. "Hey Mi-chan!" Honey yelled jumping up and down. "Guess what! Guess come on." He exclaimed excitedly. She shrugged, and she dragged her towards the rest of the host club. "Oh. Hey Mika. Glad your here. We were just about to tell everyone our plans." Tamaki said, pulling her into the circle. "We're going to the beach!" Honey blurted out. Haruhi gave a confused look to everyone. "Really? After what happened last time." She asked. "What happened last time?" Mika questioned. "Yeah but that won't happen this time. We're not bringing all of our guests." Hikaru stated. "What happened last time?" Mika asked again, her face now getting red. "Plus We aren't going to split up for any reason anyways." Tamaki added. Mika's face got redder. She didn't know if they were purposely ignoring her or not, but she was getting frustrated. "What happened last time!?" She yelled. Everyone looked over to her, surprised that she could even yell that loud. And of coarse their looks of surprise surprised her. They knew she was short tempered, but had she really never yelled before? "Haruhi was attacked by drurk trespassers, and was pushed into the ocean from a cliff." Kouru explained. Mika looked over to Haruhi, and Haruhi nodded back to Mika. "Well. I hope that doesn't happen this time." Mika shrugged. Everyone laughed, and then they started getting ready for hosting hours. But Mika was silently dreading going on this beach trip. For many reasons.

The host club said that they'd pick Mika up at her house, so she sat on the couch. But of coarse she had nothing to do but worry. There was something she hadn't told anyone, and hoped they wouldn't find out. She was terrified of cars. Mainly being in them. She got this fear a while back, when she was six, and she hadn't been in a car or bus since. So she was scared to get in one with the entire host club watching. What if she had a panic attack. What if they crashed? That was all she could think about. But a knock at the door interrupted her thoughts. She walked to the door, and opened it to reveal Tamaki. His blonde hair was a bit messy, and he had on swim shorts and a green sweater. "Hey Mika. You ready?" He asked holding his hand out. She nodded, and accepted it, walking up to the limo outside. But as she got to the door, she tensed up a bit. Tamaki looked over to her, noticing her grip on his hand tighten. "You okay?" He asked. She nodded, and took a step forward, but he didn't let go of her hand, and instead, pulled her back beside him. She looked up at him, trying to hide her fear behind a smile. But realization kicked in, and he noticed why she looked scared. "Mika, are you afraid of being in a car?" He looked intently at her, but she looked down, avoiding his gaze. "Hey look at me." She didn't move. "Mika look at me." He said again. This time, she listened. Tears were brimming her eyes. "It'll be alright. I promise it will. If you feel scared, you can just lean on me okay, I'll stay beside you." He comforted her. She nodded, and looked back to the car, walking over to it. She tried to control her trembling as she got in, sitting down in an empty seat, followed by Tamaki. He sat next to her, and looked at the host club. "Okay, we're all ready, lets go." The limo rushed to a start, and Mika jumped slightly while making some sort of a squeaking sound. But the sound of the motor made it so only Tamaki heard her. He smiled down at her, and pulled his arm around her shoulder, pulling her close. She tensed, but relaxed after a while and leaned her head back on his chest. Tamaki held her tighter with every bump. He made sure she was as calm as possible, and watched her closely. She did look scared, but not completely terrified. The host club continued to talk amongst themselves. It was useless conversations and Mika wasn't really interested, so she sort of zoned out. Although that probably wasn't the best idea. The image her mind showed her was the day her mother died five years before. She lay in the back of the car, a burning sensation stinging get shoulder. Her glasses had fallen off, and she was laying blind, confused, and scared. She remembered what happened. It was raining hard, and they hadn't seen it coming. In front of them, the huge truck swerved, crashing into their small vehicle. So now Mika was trapped under the burning seat of the car, her waist was now writhing in pain as well, when a blurry figure pulled her from the car. But the last thing she saw before she blacked out, was her mother being zipped up in a body bag.
Mika opened her eyes. She had fell asleep, and was in the tight grip of Tamaki. Her eyes were wide, as they remembered the details of that horrid day. When she lost her mother. "We're here." Kouru said, pulling open the door. Mika shot out like a bullet, almost tripping on her way out. She was finally out of the car. But she couldn't help but feel sad. That dream had brought back memories that she had tried to compress. Even though her father had told her not to hide her feelings. He told her that she could always come to him when she needed to talk. But he was gone now, and she couldn't talk to him anymore. Well she did anyways. She talked to him all the time, and her mother. But they can't answer her anymore. They can't comfort her. "I should show you all to your rooms, then we can head down to the beach if you like." Kyoya said. Everyone followed close behind, bringing their suitcases and bags. Mika grabbed her own backpack and followed after them.

Mika sat on her small towel. She wore a black one piece bathing suit, but it was covered up by black swim shorts that reached her knees, which had a pink floral pattern, and a bright green hoodie, which was too big but extremely comfy. Honey was building a sandcastle with mori and Tamaki. Kyoya was writing in his black book, and the twins were lying on a blanket with Haruhi, looking bored out of their minds. Mika's sketchbook was on her knees, and she was struggling to get the hands on the girl she was drawing. She bad been drawing anime and manga since she was little, but still thought she was horrible. The confidence in herself was small. Finally, the twins couldn't take it, they walked up to Mika, ready to break their boredom. But they didn't know that in order to break their boredom, they had to break Mika's confidence even more.

Hey. I don't really think that this chapter is my best work. But it's late and I'm tired so I can't tell. If anyone is still into this book, please tell me how it was and where I could have improved. I accept constructive criticism. Thanks.

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